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The Cast of 2030CE

Welcome to the New 2030CE fansite.


Corey Sevier Curtis Harrison Elyse Levesque Jessica Lucas Neil Denis Tatiana Maslany

Click Here For FULL CAST & CREW


I only have the mini-bio of the stars, it took me long enough. I don't have all the info on all of them.
Corey Sevier
Curtis Harrison
Elyse Levesque
Jessica Lucas
Neil Denis
Tatiana Maslany

Recurring Guest Stars
Alex Leithead
Allison Perlov
Craig Haas
Hilary Carroll
Micheal Grajewski
Nathaniel Augus-Jackman
Skye O.J. Kneller

Guest Stars
Adam Smollik
Amy Couldwell
Beau Sweatman
Bryan Verot
Caley Gibson
David Gillies
David Robertson
Davis Huynh
Dracy Fehr
Jason Glisser
Jennifer Pudavick
Jennifer Villaverde
Jill Galant
Kayln Bomback
Kristopher Turner
Laina Hughes
Leane Pearson
Lyle Morris
Matthew Kok
Megan Basaraba
Melissa Campbell
Melissa Marie Elias
Michael Lyons
Nancy Chappell
Paige Bannister
Peter Mooney
Quyen Raceles
Rick Hurst
Ryan Buffington
Seun Olagunju
Tiffany Edwardson


The Cast of 2030CE
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The Story
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