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Neil Dennis

Welcome to the New 2030CE fansite.


Actor - filmography
(2000s) (1990s)

  1. "Living with the Dead" (2002) (mini) TV Series .... Dennis Branson
    ... aka "Talking to Heaven" (2002) (mini) (Europe: English title) (USA: working title)
  2. "2030 CE" (2002) TV Series .... Robby Drake
  3. Spooky House (2000) .... 2nd Audience Kid
  4. "X-Men: Evolution" (2000) TV Series(voice) .... Spyke (Evan Daniels)
  5. Frankie & Hazel (2000) (TV) .... Abdul
  6. Out of Time (2000) (TV) .... Sean

  7. Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century (1999) (TV) .... Leo
  8. Big and Hairy (1998) (TV) .... Kid
  9. Max Q (1998) (TV) .... Michael Daniels
    ... aka Max Q: Emergency Landing (1998) (TV) (USA)
  10. Inspectors, The (1998) (TV) .... Will
  11. Golf Punks (1998) .... Patrick 'Thork' Thorkelson
    ... aka National Lampoon's Golf Punks (1998) (USA: complete title)
  12. "Stargate SG-1" (1997) TV Series .... Rya'c (1997)
  13. Call to Remember, A (1997) (TV) .... George Hicks

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