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Jedi Academy
Citizen Multimedia
Public Buildings
Chat Room


1.) Where will Allon be located?

Allon will most likely be located on the desert world of Tatooine. If future planets emerge that appeal to the Consuls, we may decide to build elsewhere. But there's about a ninety-percent chance that Allon will be on Tatooine.

2.) What faction is Allon?

We are still undecided. We may be forced to join a faction.

3.) What is the purpose of becoming as self-sufficient as possible?

Self-sufficiency will help us to avoid the Galactic Civil War. This is not to discourage citizens from joining the Imperial, Rebel, or criminal factions, however the city as a whole will not sway to any side at this time, unless it is a mutual decision on the part of all of the citizens, which is unlikely. We will not be completely self-sufficient, however, as much trade will hopefully be occurring.

4.) What sort of laws will Allon have?

See the Governing page for Allonian laws. All are created for the well-being of the city and its citizens. Although Allon is Imperial, we do not nessecarily follow exact Imperial Protocol.

5.) Why do all of the punishments have to do with money?

The death sentence is out of the question, as people executed will just return. We can't put people in prison, as this would destroy the meaning of the "game." So Allon goes to the next best thing: possessions. And since we really don't care for a few rusty blasters or a broken down speeder, we have fines as punishment.

6.) Why are criminal organizations legal?

Criminal organizations are legal to once again keep everybody happy, and keep the city successful. There are a few guidelines the criminal organizations, however. Criminal organizations may not rob, kill, abduct, etc. any Allon citizen, however if they wish to rob, kill, abduct, etc. someone from a neighboring city (like Mos Eisley) they are more than welcome to. Criminal organizations must pay three times their usual taxes, however they may now be permitted to perform illegal acts (like smuggling for example) and use illegal weapons as long as the organization is cleared with the Council.

7.) What is the advantage of the Council?

Our oligarchic/democratic Council of consul representatives allows us to govern the city using Allon's many different points of view. Each consul represents a major aspect of the city (Defense, Agriculture, Research and Development, Jedi, etc. The Supreme Consul represents the city as a whole).

8.) What will our taxes be used for?

Our taxes will be used to provide salaries for the Consuls, security members, and other city-employed citizens. It will mostly be used for the construction on city-owned buildings and defensive structures. Taxes will also go towards helping to fund player-controlled organizations and businesses.

9.) Is there an "entry fee?"

Depending on how much money the developers decide to start us out with there may or may not be a beginning fee. If there is, it will be to give the city-owned buildings and defenses a good jump start. It might also be used to establish large boundaries that could be in the form of walls or or other defenses.

10.)Who's deciding where Allon is on Tatooine?

That job is one of my many perks. I will most likely pre-order the game months ahead of time so that I can get out into the Tatooine desert minutes after the game is released. Who knows...maybe I'll have to camp out at the computer store. Anyway, I would like a place, large of course, with some form of natural boundary and a healthy environment.

11.) Will farmers be outside the city's defense?

Most likely we will be doing a castle kind of thing. The farmers stay out so they can have as much room as they want, and whenever there's danger they can run inside the city and stay at a hotel or something. For this reason, farmers may use more defenses than normal citizens could. I may want to add that to the Governing Page.

12.) If we have a Jedi academy, than how come we're not Rebel?

Again, the academy is to keep everybody healthy and maintain success. About 99.9% of everybody playing Star Wars Galaxies wants to be a Jedi. But this does not mean that there will be 100-person classes in the Academy. There will most likely never be more than five masters and five apprentices. And though we will encourage the code for obvious reasons, there's always a few Kyp Durron's out there...

13.) Well, then why don't we have a Dark Jedi academy?

We do. :)

14.) How long does a term last?

A full earth year. So is SWG comes our May 25, 2002, my term will be up May 25, 2003 unless I resign sooner. Campaigning for the next Supreme Consul and the other consuls should begin taking place about a month-or-so ahead of time, so April 2003.We haven't been asked many questions yet!

E-mail Supreme Consul Crais if you have a question to ask.