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Meyor's Story
Chapter Two

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    By the time Meyor and Gollum reached the docking bay, the twin suns were beginning to set. The Jawas were scurrying back to their sandcrawlers, and the merchants and artisans were closing their shops and bringing their supplies into their homes. He passed through the door into the bay and saw his wife's starship, Tylai's Dreamer.
    The blue YT-1300 was old and it was a matter of time before it fell apart, but his wife loved that ship, despite its condition. He hopped off his dewback and untied the R5 unit that had been strapped to Gollum's flanks.
    Meyor pulled out a data card from a vest pocket. "Hey Arfive," Meyor said. "We should probably make a copy of the files Jabba gave you for me, just in case you blow a fuse or something."
    The droid let out a puzzled sounding whistle, but he didn't care when Meyor slid in the data card. The rusted droid clicked a few times, and then ejected the card. "Thanks." Meyor said. He quickly drew his holdout blaster, and let a bright flash of light explode from the barrel. The droid suddenly became a pile of smoldering durasteel. He rushed over and picked through the debris. He stopped when he found a tiny silver box with a small antenna.
    "Homing beacon," he said showing it to his dewback, as if he cared. "Figured Jabba would pull something like that." He threw the device as far as he could before looking towards the Eagle. "Well we'd better get those disruptors before Jabba gets them into his slimy little hands. C'mon boy." He led the dewback up the ramp and into the enlarged storage hold.
When Gollum was secure, Meyor pulled back on the yoke and the ship tore into the Tatooine sky. The shields sizzled as the Dreamer passed through the atmosphere, and then the view through the transparasteel canopy, turned black as the space which had now engulfed the freighter.

    The Tatooine space was pretty empty for the space that usually was above Mos Eisley, but one ship stood out against all of the others. A dark silver Corellian Corvette with highlights of bright blue sat waiting. Meyor eased the controls to starboard and began to make his approach to land in the Eagle's Eye docking bay. The ship was battered with years worth of carbon marks and deep burns, but it was home to Meyor and his wife Tylai. The amount of modifications showed. He had added two exterior docking racks large enough for the Dreamer and Meyor's Dragon Howl. The eight smaller escape pods and the bottom dual turbolaser had to be removed to make room, but with the extra shields, turbolaser batteries, and concussion missiles Meyor also added, it wasn't likely the pods would be needed. Meyor had also added a good-sized pen in the middle of the vessel.
    Gollum growled, and Meyor looked back. The poor dewback was trying to work his way into the cockpit, but was obviously too large to fit. "Hang on boy. We'll be home in a minute."
He pulled the ship into the cramped bay, trying not to hit the Eagle's Eye above him or the Dragon straight ahead. The Corvette creaked as the racks took the weight of the frieghter. He edged the vessel over just a bit more to connect to the boarding tube.

    "Master Khar'Cadon!" Meyor was greeted by a silver protocol droid when he and Gollum had gotten inside. "So glad you're back, and Gollum too." She said as Meyor shut the door of Gollum's pen, inside the Eagle.
    "Thanks Teesee." TC-89 had been Meyor's servant droid ever since his mother gave her to him when the Khar'Cadon family all traveled together in their trading cruiser. She followed him down the long corridor and to the bridge, where he took his place at the controls. Although the ship was designed for crew of almost thirty, Meyor was able to operate the entire ship, weapons and all, completely on his own. There was one person, other than Teesee that was able to help him, however.
    "Meyor!" Tylai Khar'Draui called from the end of the hall. He ran to him, her cream and tan-colored fur flowing behind her. They wrapped their arms around each other and spent a few moments in a tight embrace. When they finally pulled apart, Meyor's wife was the first to speak.
    "You bring my ship back?"
    Meyor laughed. "She's in the bay."
    "How was Gollum?"
    "A little edgy around the bigger dewbacks, but he was good. He doesn't like your ship."
    "We going to stay here, or are we going to leave? How many questions you going to ask?" He said running his hand through her hair.
    "Just one more." She smiled. "What did Jabba want?"
    Meyor sighed. "He wants me to bring back a shipment of disruptors from Black Sun."
    "But didn't Palpatine put out a fee for anybody who turned in disruptors?"
    "Yeah, at twenty-five thousand a piece. Jabba's only offering ten thousand." Meyor looked at Tylai and smiled. "So you can take a guess as to where we're taking them. Won't Palpatine be angry."
    Tylai also smiled and nodded. "Yeah, but the Empire won't get mad at Black Sun. They're too entwined. You know that. They'll probably end up just putting the blame on us if we're found with them all in our cargo hold."
    "Or they could get mad at Jabba."
    "Jabba?" She lifted in eyebrow in surprise. "Not too many get angry at Jabba."
    "Even fewer get angry at Palpatine." He kissed the soft fur of her cheek. "Let's go, we got a long ride." He turned back to the controls. Tylai took the copilot's seat next to him.
    Moments later, the giant ship roared to life and Meyor began to plug in hyperspace coordinates.

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