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[News 02-03]




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 Archived News 02 - 03

29/10/02 added notes on space travel to Imperium section

31/10/02 added AI and City Ships to Imperium section

01/11/02 updated City Ships Added ISA to Imperium section. Also added this, it is a visual representation of a file from my Hard drive. I thought it looked kind of cool.

20/11/02 Added Notes on Training and specifications for the “Swift Vengeance” class light cruiser also added the first chapter of Dies Irae

27/11/02 Added Rantings (blank page at the moment) and updated City Ships

8/12/02 Added ESB class battleship (yes, provide assistance, and you get a ship class) updated the Links page. (e-mail me if you want to be added)

10/12/02 Reorganized a bit and added the Next chapter of Dies Irae

22/12/02 Updated Battleships, Notes on Space Travel and began Romulan Pages

30/12/02 Changed the basic layout to be easier to navigate. I have also updated AI, I have Added a discussion of the Romulan post of Praetor. I have also Added Hostile Groups to the Imperium section.

1/1/03 Added to the rantings section. Added some information on Energy generation and two more ships to the Imperium section

16/1/03 Added comments about Shinzon’s tactics in the Star Trek film Nemesis. Also added two morrow chapters of “Invasion.”

2/2/03 Redesigned site somewhat. Added Shuttle Columbia Memorial page.

3/2/03 Annoyingly all the cross links on this site are down at the moment. Please bear with me while I make efforts to re-link everything.

9/2/03 I have embraced the horror that is frames, mostly to deal with the horrible amount of graphics that were on the site previously. I know there are a good many people out there who dislike frames, I'm one of them, as such I’ve put a kill the frames button on both frames in case they mess up your browser.

18/2/03 Killed the frames. Uploaded the site again.

6/3/03 Added Environment and Medical

20/4/03 Added Renaissance of the Daleks