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The High City

"Good Day to you, I'm Mystique, guardian of the entrance to the High City, the city beyond the world of mortals where the great and mighty on high live and do their miraculous work. Here you will meet all the Gods and Goddesses and controllers of all the forces that work on our great and beautiful Falia. I permit you to pass because I can tell with my keen psychic abilities that you are a worthy being, but beware not to upset their great and all powerful majesties, for they will never let you forget it. And now, which Goddess's realm do you wish to enter?"
Mystique came from here.

The Realms of the Seasons

The Realms of the Elements

The Realm of Rainbows

The Realm of Night

The Realm of Day

The Realms of Inspiration

The Realm of Friendship

The Realms of Ancient Culture

The Heavenly Hosts



