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Padded Cell #101

Name: HellKatt; Asylum Keeper of the Good Herbs
Date of Birth: 06.26

HellKatt was committed on August 29, 1999 due to mental illness. The symptons of which are: chronic watching of Highlander episodes (she has been known to watch them for six hours at a stretch), hallucinations of Highlander refrences in everyday life (for example, seeing Richie every time she sees a motorcyclist on the freeway and thinking Methos was masquerading as Snidely K. Whiplash when he painted that guy's face blue in "Dudley Do-Right"), and an acute depression and anxiety brought about by the lack of Highlander. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Padded Cell #102

Name: Kadira; Asylum Keeper of Methos' Bronze Age Personality
Date of Birth: 10.25

Kadira was committed on September 13, 1999 due to obsessive looking of the Horsemen episodes which even follows her in her dreams, and a voice in her mind that told her: I am Methos. You live to serve me. Never forget that! And now go to the MacMINT Asylum and devote yourself to me! She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Kadira's World

Padded Cell #103

Name: Caroline; Asylum Keeper of the Blue Body Paint
Date of Birth: 10.21

Caroline was committed on September 27, 1999 due to her obsession with Methos/Highlander. It was felt that the ability to watch over and over again any episode with Methos in it was not a talent as she claimed but a visual representation of a disturbed personality. Also, the constant hounding of her friends for episodes she hasn't seen in a while shows evidence of an addictive obsessive complusion. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Padded Cell #104

Name: Ardienne of the Sidhe; Asylum Physical Therapist
Date of Birth: 10.23

Ardienne of the Sidhe was committed on September 29, 1999 due to uncontrollable urges to surf the web for Methos pics at all hours of the day or night, interrupting her family's well ordered existence.

She cannot remember her only sister's phone number but does know more than is mentally healthy about Methos and Duncan MacLeod.

Her shopping habits have altered (much to her family's consternation). According to reliable sources, Ardienne has purchased only blue clothing for the past 3 years and has recurring erotic dreams of a certain green-eyed immortal that fuel her erotic day dreams for days.

She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Padded Cell #105

Name: HonorH; Asylum Recorder of Methos' Words of Wisdom
Date of Birth: 07.03

HonorH was committed on October 2, 1999 due to excessive *shrieking* at the sight of Methos. Actually, she doesn't even have to see him. The very thought of him makes her shriek. There she goes again. *SHRIEK!* Obnoxious, isn't it? She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Padded Cell #106

Name: Sue; Asylum Information Officer
Date of Birth: 09.06

Sue was committed on October 2, 1999 due to an out of control obsession with an older man, masquerading at various times as fascinating people such as a researcher, Welsh actor with the initials PW, doctor, terrorist, tv producer, police inspector, Death, et.al. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Padded Cell #107

Name: Rebecca Isais
Date of Birth: 12.13

Rebecca I. was committed on October 2, 1999 due to an enormous obsession with the ROG and an extremely strange response when hearing the word Methos. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Padded Cell #108

Name: Zebweb; Asylum Drool Cleaner
Date of Birth: 1978

Zebweb was committed on October 2, 1999 due to mentioning Methos 47 times per minute in whatever conversation, drinking too much cheap beer and yelling SNARF!, and riding into deserts squawking "I am Zebweb! You live to serve me!" Achem. (Too many people are in rehab from the blue face paint incident.) She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Padded Cell #109

Name: Kårthwynn; Asylum Cake Froster
Date of Birth: 06.27

Kårthwynn was committed on October 2, 1999. A reliable source has come forward and shown us the extent of Kårthwynn's obsession in the form of the 3 E-Groups she currently subscribes to and lurks on, and the over 100 websites and frus currently bookmarked on her 'Mac" computer (coincidence?). Our source who wishes to remain anonymous believes Kårthwynn's obsession poses no threat to others or herself unless she gets ahold of blue frosting, then she has been known to paint one half of her face and run around screaming "You live to serve ME!" She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Highlander Gallery

Padded Cell #110

Name: Felina; Asylum Fitter of the Blue Boxers
Date of Birth: 08.30

Felina was committed on October 4, 1999 due to excessive Internet surfing for Methos sites (52 in one 8 hr period), excessive drooling whenever she sees a picture or video containing Methos or hears his voice. Refusal to wear any color but blue and uncontrollable fondling of blue boxers in department stores, etc. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

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