Padded Cell #141
Name: Little Death chiznit of the apocolypse; Asylum Head
Cook -- literally
Date of Birth: 02.09
Little death was committed on February 28, 2000 due to her inability to control her giggles upon hearing the word Methos is TINGLY. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.
Padded Cell #142
Name: SwingGirl; Asylum Keeper of Methos's Hidden-behind-the-refrigerator
Beer Bottle
Date of Birth: 04.01
SwingGirl was committed on March 3, 2000 due to frequently and obsessively fruing and discussing Methos and otherwise engaging in Methos-related activities on the Rysher forum. It got so bad that her friends were worried and thought she should seek help. Little did they know that the Asylum is a place of Methos worship, not any medical care whatsoever. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.
Padded Cell #143
Name: Amatia; Asylum Methos Song Writer
Date of Birth: 06.19
Amatia was committed on March 3, 2000 due to obsessive behavior directed toward Methos and an inability to stop wearing her PWFC shirt. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.
Padded Cell #144
Name: Dea; Asylum Methos Personal Portrait Painter
Date of Birth: 09.10
Dea was committed on March 3, 2000 after having been caught wandering aimlessly through the Asylum Picture Gallery and mumbling incoherently between frequent squeals of "He's SO cute!" She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.
BonaDea's Bodacious HomePage
Padded Cell #145
Name: Kassain; Asylum Archivist of Everything Concerning
Date of Birth: 12.04
Kassain was committed on March 9, 2000 due to her obsession with Methos. She's collecting every pic and fanfic she can find as long as it featurs the ROG. Also she's thinking of him whenever she sees or hears something bearing a slight similarity with anything concerning Methos (for example a boutique called Alexa). She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.
Padded Cell #146
Name: Basaxl
Date of Birth: 01.05
Basaxl was committed on March 11, 2000 due to being a Methosaholic and not ever wanting to be cured. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.
Padded Cell #147
Name: Liz
Date of Birth: 09.05
Liz was committed on March 21, 2000 due to an obssesion with P.W. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.
Padded Cell #148
Name: Emma Keigh; Asylum Martial Artist and Grammarian
Date of Birth: 09.06
Emma Keigh was committed on April 8, 2000 due to a growing
obsession with all things Methosian. She claims Methos has
joined the voices in her head and demands she write stories
about him. She has compulsively posted a Beer of the Day message
in hopes of finding the ROG's favorite brew. She was diagnosed
with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.
Padded Cell #149
Name: Poet Bastarda Dareau; Asylum Recorder of the X-Files,
Cartoons, and Other Television Necessities
Date of Birth: 05.13
Poet was committed on April 10, 2000 due to getting drunk,
stripping herself naked and painting her entire body blue
in the middle of Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras. She was
diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.
Padded Cell #150
Name: Dischord; Asylum Pepsi Drinker
Date of Birth: 05.26
Dischord was committed on June 16, 2000 due to the fact that she drinks Pepsi only because the can is BLUE. She also has a tendency to get a glazed-over look whenever the syllable "me" is uttered because that's what the Master's name begins with...and whenever she's at work, a particular accent rules her mind. When the USA network stopped running Highlander, she isolated herself in her room to "be alone." After recently re-emerging, red-eyed and demonic looking, Dischord realized she needed help. How was she to maintain her composure when she would never again see the ROG? Sweaters, trenchcoats, and anything blue sent her into hysterics. Her loving, understanding (ha ha) friends brought her to this place. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately because the alternative was unthinkable...
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