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Name Tony Belbano Street Name Broadside
Alias None Known Age 19
Race Troll Birthplace Seattle, Ucas
Height 7'3" Hair Color Black
Weight 200kg Eye Color Brown
Known Contacts Past Offences
Guido Deltoro - Mafia Fixer - Level 2

Mario Belbano - Mafia Lieutenant & Father - Level 3

"Fire Hawk" - Retired Physad - level 2


Although technically a free agent, Theodore's mafia loyalties are far more important than his shadow connections, he WONT run against his families interests.

However, his mafia upbringing has him used to death, and although wont murder in cold blood, has not 1 issue about shooting at anyone who is shooting at him.



Born into a strong Italian family, who put family first Tony had an average childhood, he was born as a human and up until he turned 16 he had a very normal life

on his 16th birthday he began to goblinise and 3 weeks later he found out his girlfriend was pregnant, Tony's father took him aside and told the boy "Tony ... Your a Troll, a young Troll with a baby on the way and a unmarried mother. BUT before your a troll, your My Son, Then a Belbano, then a Father. Whatever you are, your all those things first

Tony's father pulled some strings and got Tony a Security job on the night shift at the docks supervising all loading and offloading of cargo, the moving of small boats and the rostering for his crew, being mafia Tony's family had a heavy hand in the local unions and smuggling so Tony's family had him trained in use of shotguns and a few types of unarmed combat so Tony could "discourage" any nosy people. He proved quite competent at his job and the local workers dubbed the young troll "broadside" due to his impressive build for one his age.

Tony's magical ability was discovered during a scuffle with a local gang who tried to steal a crate full of weapons the mafia was moving, Tony's backup was a coyote shaman by the name of "Howler" the scuffle was relatively short and painless but Tony caught a round and the mage was healing Tony when he recognized a certain pattern in Tony's aura - "Howler" gave Tony the number of a Physical Adept  he knew Named "Fire Hawk" and the old man helped Tony learn and control his powers

Tony's baby was born about this time and she was a Beautiful baby girl, with a very rare and expensive medical condition Tony started pulling extra shifts at the docks and his family helped out as best they can, however Tony refuses to accept charity and insists he save the $500,000 needed to cure his child permanently of his own back ...... however even with his working 5 nights a week at the docks as head of security, and his wife doing what she can from home while caring for his infant daughter, he continued to spiral into debt so after discussing with his father and uncle, who agreed to tell his wife that he was "working on the docks" whenever he was out for the night, his uncle put him in contact with a Mob fixer and Broadside hit the shadows


Attributes  Edges/Flaws Skills
Body - 9 (10)

Quickness - 5

Strength - 7

Intelligence - 4

Charisma - 3

Willpower - 4


Essence - 6

Reaction - 4

Initiative Die - 2

Combat Pool - 6


 Phobia Common & Moderate.- Spiders -4

Dependent - Wife and Child, Child has an expensive medical condition + $5000 a month -4

Day Job 20 hours a week as a union dockworker on the docks $2500 a month pay -2

Home Ground - Seattle Docks +2
Clubs 5

Mafia Politics 4

Unarmed Combat/Fists 4/6

Mafia Controlled Establishments 5

Shotguns/Ares Thunderer 3/5

Intimidation/Physical 3/5

Motorboat 4

Car 4

Physics 3 (kno)

Shipping Procedures 4(kno)

Dockworker Union Policies (Seattle) 3/5(kno)

Cargo Loading Practices 4  (kno)
English 4
English R/W 2
Italian 4
Italian R/W 2


Known Magic Known Augmentations Known Gear

Improved Reflexes Level 1

Distance Strike

Blind Fighting

Rooting x 2

Great Leap x 2

Empathic Sense

None Armor Vest with Plates 4/3

Extendable Baton

Hardliner Gloves

Ares Thunderer (shotgun) with sling, flashlight, laser sight and shock pads

Weather beaten Ford Americar

6 months low lifestyle