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My characters.

This list is revised from the previous one, character backgrounds updated or expanded, characters revamped to suit current campaigns, ect.

These are all characters at creation level, I don't update them as I go.

Furthermore, better information about why my characters are the way they are can be found in the "read this" section, which details how I run campaigns and house rules ect.




you might notice that some of these characters are very light on the gear, that was done on purpose to prevent characters from buying a piece of gear for EVERY possible thing that could happen while on a run.

if you do use one, improvise.

Theodore "Badger" Wilson - Dwarven Street Samurai

Tony "Broadside" Belbano - Troll Physad

Declan "The Leprechaun" O'Connor - Human Physad Assassin

Nathan "Delta" Stone - Human Combat biker / Media face

Jonas "Draco" Goodman - Human Wyrm Shaman

William "Strongarm" Hunter- Human Vehicle theft expert

Jake "Deep-6" Gregor - Human Undercover CIA Agent

Danny "Fridge" Bateman - Human Ex-footballer and Hired Muscle

Randal "Thunderchild" Reed - Ork Physad Street Face

The Bodysnatchers Extraction Team

Leopold "Greaser" Dupoint - Ork Combat Rigger

Maxine "Slider" Webber - Human muscle / intrusion specialist

Wade "Bulldog" Gibson - Human Sorcery Adept / Sniper / Face

James "Fireblade" Hudson - Human Physad

Bodysnatcher gear, lifestyle and vehiles