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      *READ THIS*

Just a brief section summing up a few things about my campaigns, mostly  the way I like to run things, I titled this section "read this" because without it allot of my characters and gear may seem overpowered/not make sense.



I like to combine a gritty realistic dangerous world, with a good amount of off the wall fun. Lets face it, if players are repeatedly faced with the blood and guts depressing side of shadowrun, its going to cease being fun. by this I mean interspacing gritty Redmond barrens runs. with the odd "kick in the door" combat operation or bug hunt.

Gear/pay/rewards wise, I am quite karma light, and cash medium, I encourage my players to take what they want, not ask me for it. if you want a stat of body don't use karma, buy a gym membership. if you want intelligence read a book on expanding your brainpower and other such crap. if you want an ex-lonestar patrol car, go to the police auctions (hahaha yeah right) ect.

I also love to see characters with self sufficient skills like forgery or various B/R skills, for 2 reasons, it means i have to create less npc's (thank god) and also because it makes them more effective.


I don't punish my characters cause of their SIN, they can have one and as long as they don't try to use it to buy panther cannon ammo, and keep it TOTALLY separate from their shadow identity - this doesn't count having a separate home/lifestyle but they must take steps to keep his shadow activities away from his home.

On the subject of lifestyles, I encompass a great deal under lifestyle, I have seen gm's make a character with a high lifestyle purchase clothing (not armor, clothing) at character creation, IMHO that is just being anal, for ¥10000 a month ( assuming ¥1 = $1 us dollar) I could live like a fatcat with clothing, good food and some left over. You might noticethat a great deal of my characters are very light on the gear, thats because I frown on characters buying gear for every possible contingency at character creation. it bugs me shadowrunners don't go to the shop with the intent of buying everything that could be helpful.


Basically I an a Gm of the school of "fudge", where I am all in favor of fudging things if it makes the game go smoother. This is no more true that with characters, my players use the points system from the NSRCG (McMackie I love you in a very non-sexual way) but if their character cant be made the way they want it on the default 123 points, They can take more. its my theory that if you remove any and all obstructions from character creation, after a brief period of WOW NOW I CAN GET DELTA GRADE WIRED 3 AND VCR 3!!!! they settle down and make some really well thought out characters. If the background is good enough, ill allow anything.