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Name  Jake Gregor Street Name Deep-6
Alias Jason Greyson Age 31
Race human Birthplace Washington
Height 6'0" Hair Color brown
Weight 100Kg Eye Color variable
Known Contacts Past Offences
forgery expert (CIA undercover) - Lv 2

Arms Dealer - Lv 2

Decker/B&E expert (CIA undercover) - Lv 2

Reporter, Independant - Lv 2

Reporter, Major League - Lv 1

Street Kid - Lv 1 (Redmond)

Street Kid - Lv 1 (Pulayapup)

Street Kid - Lv 1 (Tacoma)

Ancients member - Lv 2

Corp secretary - Lv 1 (Ares Macrotech)

Corp Secretary - Lv 1 (Sader krupp)

Corp secretary - Lv 1 (Shiawase)

Yakuza Soldier - Lv 2

Mafia Soldier - Lv 2

Street Mage - Lv 1

Lonestar cop - Lv 1 (patrolman)

Metroplex Guardsman - Lv 1

Government Official (city planning office) - Lv 2

Bouncer (club penumbra) - Lv 1

Bartender (club penumbra) - Lv 1

Metahuman Rights Activist - Lv 1


none. (would a CIA agent have a dirty rep.)
Deep 6 is a Deep cover CIA operative, getting close to people who are a danger to daily life to ucas citizens, then blowing them up. he is considered to be a Shadowrunner for all intents and purposes, nobody knows his true identity and he has can and will kill again to defend his cover, but his primary mission is defence of the UCAS way of life.

Deep 6 has been operating independent of command for 4 years now and is considered by the CIA to be a prize asset. He bears no ill will to racial variants of the 6th world, and often acts in their defence (several mysterious explosions at humanis chapterhouses around ucas have occoured)




Bland, in a word. Jake was never obvious growing up, a big smart unassuming guy Jake walked through life, where everybody else ran. His natural physical build made him a fearsome proposition to fight and his mental aptitude made him hard to outsmart. When Jake finished school he had a hard choice, he had too many career choices, he decided in the end to join the Army, spend his first tenure figuring out what it was he wanted to do, then do it.

Jake was noticed as he stepped off the transport on the base, he stood shoulder to shoulder with Ork candidates, and blitzed the entrance exams. He was immediately drafted to officer school. In officer school he became quite adept with pistols, unarmed combat and Etiquette. and before long he was tapped on the shoulder and given a series of exams which he had no idea what the outcome was to be, he tested to 96% of perfect on a CIA entrance exam.

After induction to the CIA, he spent several months at "The Farm"  perfecting his pistol style and learning about demolitions and formulating his own explosives. He exited the program and became a fully fledged agent, however on his second mission, His handler botched a contact and got a close contact of Jake's killed, From that day on Jake would never work with a handler or give regular contact to the CIA, when he does its through a coded message delivered by his forgery expert.

At first the CIA had him tailed and followed because they believed that he was attempting to go rogue. but after 6 months they realized that Jake was a totally loyal agent and he has remained so ever since.


Attributes  Edges/Flaws Skills





Essence- 6

Reaction- 6

Initiative Die- 1

Combat Pool-8

Photographic Memory +3
Blandness +2
Technical School Education +1

Dark Secret -2
Flashbacks -4 (he once had to choose between allowing a contact to be killed or loosing months of hard work to bring town a terrorist kingpin. he allowed the contact to die in the intrest of national security, he suffers flashbacks if placed into a similar situation)

Pistols (6)
Pistols B/R (4)
Unarmed Combat (5)
Demolitions (5)
Etiquette (6)
Stealth (4)
Athletics (4)
Electronics (5)
Electronics B/R (3)
Intimidation/Mental (5/7)
Negotiations/Bribe (3/5)
Biotech/First Aid (2/4)
Car (4)


Psychology (5)
Terrorist Organizations (5)
Economics (4)
Smuggling Routes (3)
Chemistry/Explosives (2/4)
BK: Assault rifles (5)
BK: Submachine Guns (5)
English W/R:3

Salish W/R:2




Known Magic or Augmentations  Known Gear Gear Continued


Colt Manhunter (standard shoulder holster, silencer)
Morrisey Elite (conc holster)

Commercial explosive (5kg)
Radio detonator x 3
timer detonator x 3

Tres Chic clothing x6
Fine Clothing x 5
Secure longcoat
Secure ultravest
Ulysses greatcoat
Armante Tux
Armante slacks and jacket

Lexus GS400SR (check gear section)

6 months High lifestyle

Binoculars (low light)
Binoculars (thermographic)
Pocket Flashlight
Low Light Goggles
Laser Mic (Lv 8)
Bug Scanner (Lv 10)
Dataline Scanner (Lv 10)
White noise generator (Lv 10)
Maglock passkey (Lv 5)
Sony HB500 Portacam
5 x Micro camcorder

Electronic Toolkit
Gunsmith Kit (pistol)
Ascent/Decent kit
Ration Bars (10 days)
Platinum Docwagon