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Name James Hudson Street Name Fireblade
Alias   Age 27
Race human Birthplace London  England
Height 5'11" Hair Color blonde
Weight 98kg Eye Color blue
Known Contacts Past Offences
His tendency to be impulsive makes him more dangerous than the rest of the bodysnatchers, however his habit to only use stun rounds in his shotgun is a saving grace, although he uses a sword, he is skillful enough to know how to wound not kill, often beating people up the side of the head with the flat of the blade.

A glib sense of humor, which he can either use to befriend, or to tear strips off someone till they start a fight, a real smartarse.




Born into a Criminal family in the infamous "estates" of London, James's childhood was filled with petty crime when he was 12 he saw his brother get cut down by a drive by shooting, this was when his life took a downward spiral, his eldest brother was arrested, his father died due to a drugs overdose and his mother went insane, It was at this time that his Magical nature revealed itself.

He entered into the Police Academy but was washed out before he completed training for beating up another student who made fun of his family history, he returned home and found that his old neighborhood was as wracked with crime as ever, he entered the life as hired muscle, but quickly realized that petty crime was a quick way to die.

He hooked up with another Physical Adept who taught him the art of sword fighting and developed his skills as an Adept, Several months later while on a run his friend caught a stray bullet in the throat and died. He continued as a shadowrunner until he met a beautiful young street samurai calling herself "slider" the 2 combined forces as a muscle team, after several months he received a call from a Seattle Fixer he had done some work for in the past, apparently a extraction team needed two reliable musclemen, after consulting with Slider, Fireblade took the Job and is now part of one of the most Professional Extraction teams in the world.


Attributes  Edges/Flaws Skills






Reaction- 9

Initiative Die-3

Combat Pool-7

Bonus Attribute Point +2

Impulsive -2

Shotguns 6
Pistols 5
Throwing Weapons 4
Athletics 4
Etiquette/Street 3/5
Car 4
Edged Weapons/Ares Monosword 5/7

Criminal Organisations-5 (kno)
Fringe Cults-5 (kno)
Gang Identification-4 (kno)
Metahumanity-4 (kno)
Lone Star Tactics-4 (kno) 

English 4

English W/R-4


Russian W/R 2



Known Magic Known Augmentations Known Gear

Improved Ability Physical Skill- Athletics-4

Improved Ability Combat Skill- Edged Weapons-2

Improved Reflexes Level 2

Improved Sense: Low-Light Vision

Sixth Sense x 3

None Mossberg CDMT
Ares Monosword
Cougar Fineblade Knife (long)
5 x Incendiary grenade
5 x Offensive grenade
10 x Throwing Knives

Real Leather Pants 0/2
Form-fitting Full-Body Suit 4/1
Secure Long Coat 4/2
Armored Vest with Plates 4/3