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>What the frag? They just bored out the barrel of a sport rifle and called it an urban sniper? Ares always did like recycling, but they hit an all time low with this drek.
>NuJack SETI

>>they also reworked the entire receiver so it wouldn’t be torn to bits by the first shot. Although this is a bolt action weapon, it’s a security restricted weapon so don’t expect them to become common.<< The Insider

>> Holy hell, Ok, thats what? 3ft long? Why not go that little bit further. Have the barrel detach and the ability to screw a silencer on the end of the barrel. Yeah, then you can have a special made briefcase made and stuff! I dont get it, why not just have the Barret modified so you can break it down. If you are going to be sniping, what sort of assembly time do you need anyway?<<<

>>>Finbar, Im a Dwarf and a Critter hunter as well the size of a Barret is a liability for me, a weapon with an assembly time even more, my life can depend on a small simple powerful weapon such as this.
However the second somebody says “.50 cal” gun bunnies start drooling so Its really no wonder it got made, Ares will move A LOT of units.<<< – Furrier

>I wouldn't mind a fraggin deadly gun that I could hide under my coat. If I whipped that out and pointed it at you you'd be the one hitting an all time low - 2 meters under.
>Insanity Sam

>> The only problem being that if you miss with the first shot,
Ill have my spurs through your back before you cycle the bolt<< - Neon Samurai

>> The star use this badass to bring down lunatics like Insanity Sam who are more armored than a tank, his armor might be able to holt a Remington bullet, but try stopping a .50 cal bruiser like this << - Marksman





Ares Rapier .50 BMG Compact Interdiction Rifle

Type Sniper rifle
Conc 3
Firing Mode SS
Ammo 5 (internal mag)
Damage 10 D
Weight 6Kg
Street index 3
Cost $3,500
Features: bullpup configuration, barrel deduction (level 2) SS mode only, shock pad

The Rapier suffers from -25% to maximum sniper rifle range due to its extremely short barrel.

The Rapier is a Unique weapon, its design lends it to covert operations however the muzzle break and the fact that it fires a .50 caliber round make the pretense of stealth a moot point. The truth is this weapon was designed for snipers when working in urban environments, where a Barret 121  would be ungainly but the stopping power of a large bore sniper rifle is needed. Is also being used by lonestar is high threat situations where a non lethal taketown is not likely to be an option.

The designers retained an old fashioned bolt system to keep costs down, keep the reliability factor quite high and also so that the already lowered power of the .50 BMG cartridge would not be lowered any more by a blowback system. the rapier uses a cylindrical magazine running along the underside of the barrel, and a muzzle break combined with a shock pad negates the extra recoil generated by the shorter barrel guaranteeing that the recoil will be manageable.