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Name Randal Reed Street Name Thunderchild
Alias   Age 22
Race Ork Birthplace Seattle
Height 6'2" Hair Color brown
Weight 150 kg Eye Color green
Known Contacts Past Offences
Metahuman Rights Activist Lv -2

Lonestar Cop (race crimes) Lv - 2

Rex - Ork Rigger Lv -2

Boomer - Ork Mage Lv-2

Meatwall - Troll Samurai Lv - 2

Ork Squatter (underground) Lv -1

Troll Enforcer (underground) Lv-1

Harry - Ork Underground Kingpin Lv -1

Lonestar Cop (vehicle pool) Lv - 1

Lonestar Cop (Riot Squad) Lv -1

Arms Dealer - Lv 1

Reporter (Independant) Lv - 1


Resisting Arrest

Disturbing the peace



Randal is VERY sensitive to Anti Ork prejudice, hate him because you don't like him, don't hate him because he is an Ork, Randal takes it very personally. Randal also values his reputation above all else, if even a close friend threatens to compromise Randal's rep, he will usually have no part of it. If someone he dosent particularly like threatens his rep, he will hurt them.

If Static ever calls Thunderchild in need of help, He wont hesitate, he loves Static like a brother.




Born Human, Randal was always the type to accept what happened to him as what happened, Randal isnt the type to complain about his lot in life, he just gets on and deals with it.

When at age 16 he Goblinised, his parents were horrified, their son was turning into one of "them". Randal however dealt with it and arrived through the process mentally unscathed. However his parents couldn't accept the idea that their son was an ork and although he wasnt cast out, or rejected their relationship became cold and distant. Randal continued going to school but he began to face challenges there as well, although he himself didn't suffer mentally from his change, he was immediately cast into the "remedial class" where he became bored and dejected. Before too long, the taunts and jabs from his classmates became too much and he decided to skip an afternoon of school, go for a walk, grab some McHugh's, kick back without anyone giving him crap for a few hours.

Randal was walking down the street sipping his soy shake and chewing on his Mc Hugh's Mc Huge Burger, ignoring everyone when all of a sudden he heard shrieks up ahead, he glanced up and saw a pretty human girl running down the street towards him, being chased by some teenage thug wannabe's, he stopped her with one hand and placed himself in between her and the thugs all the time wondering "why on earth am I doing this". The biggest of the thugs stepped forward and flatly stated "Not your issue Trog". Randal had never been called a "trog" before, and it made him very upset, this man had a vehemence in his voice that could have killed if words were weapons, and for some reason Randal was REALLY beginning to dislike this guy and let him know "It is now Breeder, You just made it My issue" the thug stepped forward and extended his spurs, before Randal really knew what he had done, the thugs arm was broken and his spurs were lodged into his own thigh, Randal stepped forward and planted his fist into the second thugs face, when he felt a sharp pain rake across his back, he spun and saw the third thug with blood dripping off his hand razors, the thugs second hand came in for a swipe at Randal's throat, Randal leaned out of range then backhanded the thug solidly across the face, the thug spun a full 360 degrees and was regaining his composure against a wall when Randal's Size 15 boot found the thugs groin.

The thugs, rolling on the ground in pain behind them as Randal pocketed the Ruger Super Warhawk he liberated from the waistband of the biggest thugs pants, the two fled, with the girl leading the way and urging Randal to follow, through a maze of alleys and backstreets, she stopped and threw open a hatch in the ground and urged Randal down ahead of her. Randal landed next to a crude "security checkpoint" consisting of a very large troll  and an Ork, both holding very large guns, pointed in a semi threatening manner at Randal, he was on the verge of throwing his hands up, but the girl landed along side him and their guns immediately pointed away, the troll grinned big and greeted the girl in his crushed gravel voice "Hoi Amanda, New Chummer?" she flashed a perfect smile back at the troll "Yeah, pulled me out of a tight spot" the trolls face went stony "The star?" Amanda replied "policlubbers" the trolls hand went to his belt and drew a 2 way radio Amanda grabbed his wrist "Bones, its cool, The Newbie took care of them". Bones looked impressed and gestured to the warhawk "with the canon" Randal shrugged and lifted his fists "with what god gave me" Bones laughed out loud, "what they call you?" Randal knew he meant a street name but any of the options which presented themselves made him sound like a wannabe, so Randal simply said "Randal", before bones could say anything else, Randal asked Amanda if she knew of anywhere where he could get his back cleaned up. Amanda  asked Bones to help him to Boomer's Squat.

Randal arrived at Boomer's Squat barely conscious, Boomer took one look at Randal's body and asked "who's the sack of meat" Amanda flashed him a positively evil look and demanded he heal Randal right away, Boomer tried to protest but was silenced by Bones, who simply said "do it". Randal awoke some time later to a room full of orks, and the voice of Amanda recounting the story. Randal checked for the Warhawk to find it was still there, he was amongst friends. One of the orks noticed he had woken up, and walked over and helped Randal to his feet and introduced him to the crew, Boomer, Meatwall, Rex, Grinder and himself as Static. Static appeared to be the "Leader" of this group, Meatwall and Grinder were pretty obviously muscle, Rex was a rigger, judging by the fact that all his clothes had grease on them and either had a Harley or Honda badge emblazoned on them and Randal knew for a fact that Boomer was a Mage. Static invited Randal to take a walk with him, During the walk Randal got the feeling that Static had something he wanted to say but couldn't Randal said "say it" Static knew he had been caught and told Randal that Amanda and He were going to be married, that she was pregnant with his baby, and that the leader of the guys trying to catch her was her brother, trying to force her to terminate the baby.

The conversation continued about Randal's life and how he came to be downtown when he did, Static nodded understandingly when Randal told him about his family and told Randal that he and his sister goblinised when he was 13, just after his parents died, and that none of his family had wanted to adopt them. Static lead him through the underground mall, past kitchens selling burgers, noodle stands and various other small shops carved into their own respective little holes, Randal took a deep breath and for some reason, the trash didn't bother him, the heavy smell of cooking meat and foods appealed to him. Static gave him a knowing look and whispered "the meat patties, are rat and soymeat, better you know now than after you buy one" Static arrived at a set of double doors guarded by a troll and the ork that had been at the station when Randal arrived in the underground, the ork opened the doors without being asked, whether for Static or himself, He didn't care.

Inside, Randal was introduced to Harry, a kingpin of the underground, and father of "Kham" one of the Prime Runners of the underground, Static told Harry about what had happened to Amanda and asked his permission to run a hit on the gang that Amanda's brother belonged to. Harry nodded slowly, and asked "are you gonna take Thunderchild here with you" Static looked at Harry, Wondering where the name came from, Harry told Static and Randal about the story of "war of the worlds", and the part of the story about "Thunderchild" the battleship, which imposed itself between the helpless steamer and the Martians, risking its own hide so that the defenseless could be saved. Static nodded "if  Thunderchild here wants in" Randal asked for a moment alone.

he sat there, in Harry's private room weighing up his life, and how he felt. Static felt closer to him than his parents ever would, the underground with ratmeat burgers smelled like home, not the home with his parents, but his own personal home. The fact that he now had a heavy pistol stuck down his pants and healing wounds deep in his back. Also, the fact that he felt more alive and happy now that he was away from the crap of day to day life dealing with those Norms looking down on him. he exited Harry's office and cracked a big grin at Static, gestured to his Warhawk and asked "know where I can get some ammo for this piece of artillery" Static let out a whoop of elation and Harry threw Thunderchild a Duffel bag, inside was a disassembled Ak-97, an armor jacket and a few clips for the AK, as well as a handful of pistol rounds. Harry Locked eyes with Thunderchild and wished him good luck.

Randal went topside and found a phone, he called his parents and left a message, "Mom, Dad. its Randal, Im not coming home tonight, ill be home in the next few days, I need to sort my life out". The hit went down without a hitch, Static and Thunderchild grew close over the next few weeks, Bones taught him how to fire his weapons, he learned how to brawl well, and even discovered that he was a physical adept, Harry looked out an old war vet who taught Randal his powers and Thunderchild became quite the Face around the underground, everybody knew Thunderchild ran with static and the boys, and nobody ratted on Static's crew, cause static was in tight with Harry and Harry runs the show. They were moving up in the world, no longer thugs, they were amateur shadowrunners.  One evening, The crew were kicking back in their communal home in the underground, enjoying real beef burgers, after a very successful run, when the door burst open and a gunman burst in and sprayed the room with gunfire, Static rolled out of his chair and returned fire, gunning the man down, silence descended on the room, Grinder was dead.

Static and the crew searched the mans body, and found a key to a car, they searched the surrounding blocks and found the car, a search of the car revealed who had ordered the hit. It was a Shiawase higher up who had been made to look bad by their last run, Rex plugged into the car and took it to a chopshop. they earned a few thousand from the car, and bought enough gear for a small scale military strike against the Exec who had killed Grinder. Harry threw in a handful of cash and even ordered Bones to accompany them. They struck against the man while he was entering his job, they obtained his security clearance for the computers and cleaned them out of R&D info, picked up several prototypes and then Static personally slit the mans throat very slowly. The crew left the facility quieter than they had arrived, leaving a C-XII surprise in the surveillance camera tape room.

Thunderchild fenced the gear carefully over the course of a month, a little here, a little there. and soon the runners had a proverbial load of fat cash with which to do what they wanted. Again, Static had the look, that he wanted to tell Randal something but couldn't, but it came out in the end, Static had himself and Amanda a set of airtight SIN's and were going to head east for Boston, he had a Job lined up at Boston University as Security, and Amanda a job as a Guidance Counselor. Thunderchild slipped his share of the cred into Static's backpack before they left, along with a note saying that he will look static up when he finds his reason to leave the life. After static left, Thunderchild found that Static had done the same thing, only with the keys to his Harley Scorpion, and his weapons. and a note saying "look me up when you leave the life, and look after the crew, they would follow you into hell and back".

 Thunderchild went home, His real home with his Parents, they were genuinely glad to see him, he didn't stay long, but he gathered his clothes and some personal items, they made it clear that he was always welcome back whenever. He then held a meeting of the remainder of Statics crew and they agreed to disband and pursue independent careers, but keep in touch of course. Thunderchild made his home in the underground. An old sewer maintenance storage room from Pre-Awakening times that had a well concealed entrance, and isn't far from Harry's Chambers the room was complete with running water and power, a few thousand saw that it wouldnt have looked out of character in a middleclass neighbourhood, comfortable and practical. After Static left he became heavily involved in Pro-Meta work, occationaly throwing his services in for free, to further a O.R.C or ORKS FIRST cause and hates bigots with a passion. He is a professional above all, second only to his enjoying pro-meta work.





Attributes  Edges/Flaws Skills
Body- 7

Quickness- 5

Strength- 7

Intelligence- 5

Charisma- 5

Willpower- 4
Essence- 6

Reaction- 5

Initiative Die- 1 (3)

Combat Pool- 7


Assault Rifles (5)
Pistols (4)
Unarmed Combat (6)
Stealth (4)
Etiquette/Street (4/6)
Intimidation/Mental (3/5)
Athletics/Running (1/3)
Computer (3)
Forgery (5)
Negotiations (5)
Bike (3)

Knowledge Skills

Metahumanity (5)
Criminal Organizations (4)
Troll Thrash Metal Bands (3)
Local Neighborhood (5)
Fences (4)
Local Neighborhood (Seattle underground)(5)
Metahuman Politics (3)

English/Cityspeak (5/7)

English W/R (3)



Known Magic Known Augmentations Known Gear

Imp. Reflexes Level 2

Astral Perception

Enhanced Perception

Imp. Sense: Directional Sense

Imp. Sense: Flare Comp.

none Ak97 with custom grip and shock pads

Semopal vz/88v.

Ruger Super Warhawk

Colt Manhunter (with silencer)

Secure Ultra-Vest

Secure Long Coat

2 standard holsters

3 x fine clothing

Harley Scorpion

3 months Med lifestyle.