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What is apathy??
Apathy is unconcern.

As I write this, I am concerned about
the state of our country, our nation,
our cities and our towns. I have found
that we have no morals or no LOVE.
Otherwise, why would we see the
destruction and crimes that we see
today. You see, there is apathy or
we would not see the things that
we see. How do we change the apathy?
GOD! HE is the answer, when you don't
care, HE cares more. HE will do
everything that HE promises. You see,
if we want to change the world, then
we need to ask the One that can change
things. We need to put love and concern
back into our lives. Instead of what
people can do for me or what can I do
to take advantage of others. Where is
our concern for those who are hurting,
lonely, hungry or just plain lost? It
seems that we have lost touch with our
neighbors, our family, and our friends.
We tell them, "if you can't do nothing
for me, than get out of my life. Leave me
alone! What is with us? Why are we this
way? It's because we leave the CREATOR
out of the picture.

There will be more added later. If you
wish to find out more, then check out our
other links.

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