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The Mansion in the Mist
Written by John Bellairs
Illustrations by Edward Gorey

Emerson Eells invites his sister, Myra Eells, and Anthony Monday to a log cabin up in Canada. Little do they know that there are powers that none of them could even begin to imagine scheming on their island. One day Emerson and Miss Eells go off to do some shopping and Anthony is left at the house. He looks around and discovers an old chest. He opens the chest and looks in. He is transported into the misty world of the evil Autarchs. The Autarchs are attempting to control the world. Can Anthony, Myra, and Emerson stop them?

Book Summary by David Bass

I think that this is a worth sequal to The Lamp from the Warlock's Tomb. It has just as much excitement and adventure as the other Bellairs books. It is one of the more spooky books. I was scared to death when I read some of the mysterious parts! The Autarchs are pretty good bad guys for this book. I'm sorry to say that this book is currently out-of-print, but it is fairly easy to find if you are willing to pay a lot for it. Visit the East Bay Book Company for more information.

Excerpt from the Book

        The Autarchs got up and left the Council Room, still muttering to themselves. But the Grand Autarch swept his cloak about him grandly and walked to a place in the paneled wall where carved cherub heads smiled amid clusters of carved grape leaves. Seizing one of the heade between his thumb and forefinger, the Grand Autarch twisted it, and part of the paneled wall swumg inward. Stone steps wound down into darkness, and the Autarch snatched a torch from a bracket just inside the doorway. A muttered word from him made the end of the torch bloom with fire, and down he went, along a corkscrewing passage so narrow that his shoulders almost brushed both walls. At last he came out into a crypt, a large room with heavy stone pillars and ribbed vaulting. Set into the walls were oblong niches, and in many of them were coffins. Brass plates glimmered on the sides of the coffins, showing that a certain Autarch had died on such-and-such a date at such-and-such an age. The grim-faced leader stalked on until he came to an empty wooden coffin that lay in the middle of the floor. Climbing into it, he lay down and crossed his hands over his chest. He muttered a few words in a strange language, and the coffin began to fill with yellow smoke. When the smoke had cleared, the Autarch was gone.

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