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This is BioDome.
NOTE: This sight is in no way related to that thing in the desert.
That would be Biosphere.

In other words, the part of T'Yanna's Rock that doesn't involve my fanfiction or TV hobbies and isn't in conjunction with other people. (For those of you that didn't get here by way of my main site, and would like to take a look, go here.) Basicly, the rest of who I am. Most of my other interests are housed here, or will be.

This is also the home of my alter-ego, Sonique. She's the part that's a bit cinical and also conned my into dying my hair blue for a while. We're still arguing about that one. We try and share nice, though.

We'd like welcome you.

Unfortunately, I tend to neglect this site. What is here may not be finished. I only guarantee that any broken links will be marked.

This is work in progress, so be warned. However, the updates may be slow in coming. I'm also helping design some sites for friends so time's kinda tight. Do check back though.
Thank you.

Now I am going to shamelessly promote the sight that I got these great graphics from. The work there is really top rate. There do tend to be a lot of blue sets but there's nothing wrong with that.