Brice Thomas Conrad
Child of Lori & Troy Conrad
Brice - (Welsh) "Alert; ambitious"
Our Angel, Brice
Zhan Archer-Read
31 March 2000
Child of Charlene Read & Paul Archer
Lost at 12.6 weeks gestation
Zhan (Arabic) "Beautiful"
Axel Grinberg
4 - 5 February 2000
Child of Ana Grinberg
Congenital Heart Disease
Axel - (German) "small oak tree; source of life"
George Richard Dixon
20 January 2000
Child of Cynthia & Jeffrey Dixon
George(Greek) "One who amasses a fortune"
Kameron Renee Daniel
5 January 2000
Child of Tina Daniel
Born still due to infection
Kameron - (Scottish)
David Jacobs
1 January 1999
Child of Lorri & Neal Jacobs
Born Still
David - (Hebrew) "Beloved"
Our Angel
Angel Jacobs
19 October 1999
Child of Lorri & Neal Jacobs
Lost in Miscarriage
Angel - (Latin) "Messenger"
Our Angel
Reese Anthony Cresto
Aug 31-Sept 11 1999
Child of Alison & Jeff Cresto
Reese - (Welsh) "enthusiastic"
Reese Anthony Cresto
Jenna Uys
17 July 1999 (42 weeks)
Angie & Iain Uys
Born still
Jenna - (Celtic) "White wave"
Jenna's Page
Apostolos A. Gionis
13 October 1999
Child of Tina
Potters Sequence - Baby Stoli lived 45 minutes
Baby Stoli