Vincent Valentine

Worn by the waste of time-
Cormfortless,nameless,hopeless save
In the dark prospect of the yawning grave...
Better to die,and sleep
The never waking sleep,that linger on
And dare to live,when the soulīs life is gone

This is a page dedicated to the best character of all the Final Fantasy series:Vincent!!.Whether itīs because of his tragic history,good looks,cool powers,or maybe because Iīm a comic book fan and he is the most "superheroic" of all,I think Vincent itīs great.I think the above lines describe him very well. Hereīs a great Vincent poem from EregilFrom a sad man to another

Best Vincent related fanfics on this site

Seven more days
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three

Glass Shard
A Worm Revolts


Meka Valentine
Vincent Valentineīs Love

Sir T. Magus
Vincentīs Halloween

Teka Marux
A knight (sic) to remember


Name:Vincent Valentine

Age:(physical)27 (official)50+

Job:former Turk,unemployed.


Powers:Flying,transforms into monsters,great shooter,good hand-to-hand fighter,great strategist,IQ of 190.

Powers source:Jenova cells,Turks training.



Best Friend:Cid Highwind

Hated Foe:Hojo

Romantic interest:Lucrecia,Yuffie?

Favorite drink:Bloody Mary,milk

Interests:Guns,reading comics,trying to figure why Lucrecia prefered Hojo.

Favorite readings:(books)Gone with the wind,Dracula, Frankenstein,Count of Montechrist,Danteīs Inferno,(comics)Spawn,Batman,JLA.

Similar to:Spawn,Batman.

History:As a Turk,Vincent was in charge of security of Jenova project.There was he met Lucrecia,a scientist.He had deep feelings for her,but she loved Hojo,another scientist,who convinced her of experimenting on their unborn child.Vincent was against this,and when Lucrecia was in danger because of the experiment,he reclamed Hojo.Hojo shoot him and experimented on him,inyecting him with Jenova cells that chaged his body.Vincent decided all was his fault and went to sleep forever.Thatīs until AVALANCHE discovered him and told him about Sephiroth.Decided to pay for his sins he went with them.

Did you know that...?:Hojoīs experiments on Vincent resulted in the creation of SOLDIER.