Questions? Fanfics? Comments? Bomb letters? Send them to Kal

Kal: Welcome to the Fortress of Solitude! Here you can find pictures, fanfiction, information of Final Fantasy VII and VIII, and great links!

Mini Cid:Just tell them to go ahead and see the #$%* page!

Mini-Vince:What´s the point of doing this introduction? People just skip it and go directly to the sections below.

Kal:C´mon guys, give me a break! Some people will read this! I know it!

Mini-Vince:If you think so...

Mini-Cid:Don´t get your hopes up

Music:"The Man with the Machine Gun"-FF8

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A section to the BEST FF character ever You´ll cry! You´ll laugh! Cool stuff! Info on me! Gateways to other sites Let the battle begin!
This site content is from their respective authors.Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII are © of Square Inc.This page is © of Kal 1999, 2000.