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My Clef Fanfics and Fan Art

The Palace Library

Emerria's Profile

The Crumbling and the VanishedThe Crumbling and the Vanished is my first fic, and be prepared for some surprises!

YATTA! I finished! Now, what will happen when Clef becomes evil? ^_^

Prologue Chapter1 Chapter2 Chapter3 Chapter4 Chapter5 Chapter6 Chapter7 Chapter8 Chapter9 Chapter10 Chapter11 Chapter12 Chapter13 Chapter14 Chapter15 Chapter16 Chapter17

My FanArt Gallery

See...I told you there was more...-_-

My drawing of my heroine: Emerria
Clef from the story...looking VERY handsome
Clef and Emerria together
Emerria introducing herself
Clef looking slightly puzzled
Emerria in a kimono, art book style...

And for a preview of the next fanfic....*TAH DAH!!*
Master and Student at the Spring ^_^

And guess what? Erica C., whom I have been corresponding with, drew a picture of Emerria for me! Enjoy!
Emerria as drawn by Erica

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