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All Saints Anglican Church

239-3rd St.., N.E.
Weyburn, Saskatchewan

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We are Christians!

The life of Jesus Christ is central to our understanding of life. We have found in our own lives the presence of God who seeks to bring the whole world to its triumph. This presence is often hidden, and often we see through a glass darkly, but we have seen enough to believe and affirm in our lives and in the world a cared power that lifts up the weak out of the dust, binds the wounds of the brokenhearted, brings good news to the poor and those in need. In a world that often seems bewildering we affirm the God who was present in Jesus and, as Jesus was raised from the dead, will also work with us to bring into being a creation which is bound in love, the Kingdom of God.

Believing in this, we try to live our lives according to this belief. We seek to bring about a world in which no one is rejected, praying that the power of God will enable us to help raise the weak out of the dust, to bind the wounds of the brokenhearted, to bring good news to the poor and those in need. As Jesus came not to be served, but to serve, so we too seek to serve the world and communities in which we live.

Foundation of Faith

One of our strongest traditions has been to respect the beliefs and lives of other people. Anglicans are encouraged to work out their own theology and spirituality based on three foundations around Christian life:

1. The Bible

Contains all things necessary to salvation.

2. Reason

Is God given, and to be used.

3. Tradition

Guides us through the Holy Spirit.

Christians First - Anglicans Second

We have found the Christian tradition as it has come down in the Anglican Church helpful in maintaining our faith in this world. We recognize other traditions can be equally helpful for others. We welcome members of other faith traditions to worship with us.

If you are able to receive Holy Communion in your own church, you are welcome to receive in ours.

Becoming a Member

We have no confession of faith. The test of membership has always been - "If you can worship with us, then you are welcome to join us."

To become a member you are asked to simply affirm basic Christian tenets contained in the Baptismal Questions, namely;

1. Do you reaffirm you renunciation of evil?

2. Do you renew your commitment to Jesus Christ?

3. Do you put your whole trust in His grace and Love?


We are and Ancient Church

We date from the first centuries after Jesus. Our founders were Celtic, but we have since been influenced by the Roman Church. We were part of the Reformation. We like to think that we walk a middle path. We continue much of the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church - bishops, sacrament, liturgy based on a prayer book. We also receive Protestant learning's - the Bible in the common language, married clergy and increasingly through time, greater recognition of the ministry of the people in the congregation.

Although our church originated in Britain, it is now world wide. The strongest part of our church these days is in Africa. Each country is independent of others - there is no central authority. Each diocese is also largely independent. We remain together through communication and respect. The Archbishop of Cantebury leads our community. However, he/she has no authority in Canada, but is always listened to with respect.