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All Saints Anglican Church

239-3rd St.., N.E.
Weyburn, Saskatchewan

Church Information
Special Events
Church Window

Ministry at All Saints

Inreach Ministries

1. Liturgical Ministries

  • A worship committee plans services with the priest

  • Lay Officiates lead worship

  • Intercessors lead the 'Prayers of the People'

  • Music Ministry is by the Organists, Soloists and Instrumentalists

  • A 'Drama Director' plans drama presentations

  • Altar Guild prepares the sanctuary for worship

  • Servers assist the priest at the altar

  • Greeters welcome, give out bulletins and present the offering

  • There is a choir for special occasions

2. Sunday School and Nursery

  • Teachers and Supervisors teach our children the way of Jesus.

3. The Prayer Chain

  • Prays regularly for members of the congregation and also is part of the 'Regional Prayer Chain'

4. Pastoral Care Visitors

  • Visits members in hospital, in nursing homes and members confined to their own homes

5. Reserved Sacrament Ministers

  • They take the Reserved Sacrament to those unable to come to church

6. Youth Group

  • Anglican & Presbyterian youth meet weekly

7. Special Events Committee

  • Organizes socials, other congregational gatherings and fundraising projects

8. Building Committee

  • Looks after the fabric of the church

Outreach Ministries

Our PWRDF (Primates World Relief and Development Fund) representative helps us to give of our wealth to those here and abroad who are not as fortunate.

The Evangelism Events Group has helped us plan dinners/special events to which we invite non-church members with the aim of introducing them to our church.

In the past we have;

  • worked with the Salvation Army at Christmas

  • fills shoe boxes with gifts for the Samaritan Purse program

  • collected foods for the food bank