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Pairtí Poblachtach Sóisialach na h-Éireann

IRSP Derry

For National Liberation & Socialism!

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North West  Memorials to Fallen Comrades of the IRSM


1981 Hungerstrike



We Remember with sorrow and pride the

staff and volunteers of the


Irish National Liberation Army


Irish Republican Socialist Party


who gave their lives in the struggle for an Irish Workers' Republic


Arm Saoirse Náisiúnta na h-Éireann

Briogáid Dhoire


Roll of Honour


INLA Volunteer Colm McNutt,

Killed on active service, 12 December 1977

INLA Volunteer Patsy O'Hara,

Died on Hunger Strike, 21 May 1981

INLA Volunteer Mickey Devine,

Died on Hunger Strike, 20 August 1981

INLA Volunteer Neil McMonagle,

Killed on active service, 2 February 1983



Comrade Micky Montgomery

Comrade Hessy Phelan

Comrade Dermot McShane



"They may kill the revolutionary - but never the REVOLUTION"


For more detailed information please visit: Main IRSM Roll of Honour Webpage


Irish Republican Socialist Party, Derry City.