Best Film
Story and Treatment
The True Story
History Outline
James J Keene
Many factors point to exceptionally good prospects for a
considerable viewership of THE DAWN-BREAKERS production, and hence, for
substantial commercial success of the project.
A tremendous story
A vast expanse of varied geography with its artistic and
architectural creations provide a new visual experience, not yet
shown on the big screen.
The music alone is striking and memorable.
A high quality cinema treatment: The producers will enlist top
talent in the art behind the cameras. Well-known actors and
actresses, with proven box-office appeal will be cast, negociations
permitting, in various major and cameo roles.
A recent trend "back to the basics" in highly successful films
has shown that the public fully accepts themes focussing on conflicts
of "good" and "bad", a traditional tried-and-true plot theme.
Indeed, audiences today at such films can be observed to burst out in
screams of glee and applause at dramatic moments when the hero
suddenly triumphs.
A parallel trend suggests that large segments of the public are
tiring of over-worked, limited themes such as violence for its own
sake, teenage mis-adventures, themes where failure, misfortune, or
the "bad guys" triumph in the end, and the like.
Low competition in the otherwise highly competitive market: In
the last few years, apart from a couple of productions, where are the
truly memorable films? Review the Academy Awards. What has the
reader seen that might still draw wide audiences 5, 10 and 20 years
from now? Aside from this, the specific genre of The Dawn-Breakers
production has been particularly neglected although such
presentations generally receive wide viewership.
The story is topical: The religious fanaticism currently
observed in Iran; the general environment of kidnappings and
terrorism; and the ever expanding scope of such events, touching
far-flung populations quite directly in many cases, people who a
short time ago could feel safely removed from its effects. Films
such as "Doctor Zhivago" filled a public need to see and experience
inside Russia and its past, to gain a better perspective and
understanding of a country so prominent in current news reports of
that decade. Now a similar need, to be filled in part by The
Dawn-Breakers production, exists regarding Iran. Considering the
U.S. market alone, the almost daily mention of Iran in the news
media, all have created widespread interest and perplexity. People
ask, "Why?" More specificly, the story is very topical in regard to
current persecution of Baha'is in that country.
These considerations support the commercial merit of the project, and
provide perspectives upon which a successful marketing and
distribution program will be designed and implemented. Indeed, it is
a publicist's dream to handle such a combination of quality product
in demand by a market moved by the dramatic circumstances of today.