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Canossa '95 Reunion (April 2003): (1)L ro R: Pink Illusions Reunited! ~ Hazel, Charo, Inah, Mitzi and me; (2) Abbie, me and Wilma (my fave seatmate in HS!);(3 to 6) Forces Unite! ~ Charo, Abbie, me and Mitzi

Forces of Nature's very own t.A.T.u. girls! Abbie and Charo (with Tonet in Pic#3) (It's an inside joke people -- they aren't really butch!)

Mitzi's Despedida/My B-day Treat (April 2003) (1) L to R: Me, Mitzi, Abbie, Charo and Jamie at TGI Fridays at ATC; (2) Jamie, Mitzi, Abbie, me and Charo; (3) Abbie, Charo, me and Jamie at Starbucks Petron SLEX (4) Mitzi, Abbie, Charo, me and Jamie.

Even Petron SLEX's restroom wasn't spared from us picture-happy gang...

Send-off for Mitzi (1 & 2) At Mitzi's (in orange shirt) house ~ Abbie, me & Charo; (3) At NAIA: Charo, Abbie, me and Jako; (3) Charo, me, Tonet and Jako

Getting kooky at McDo Sucat after leaving the airport: Charo, me, Abbie, ermm, Ronald McDonald *wink* and Tonet