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I have been hanging around online in the AKAfellas' forum and I've been watching most of the AKAfellas gigs these past few months with my high school friend Charo and college friend Rose. Through the forum and countless gigs, I have met a lot of wonderful people -- younger than me, older than me... still studying, already working. We've been hanging around and chatting online since then :) These are my beloved AKAkada...

THE 1st AKAKADA EB @ DISH, ROCKWELL: (1) L to R: The happy bunch: Anne, Tito Kiko (Reubs' dad), Tere, Hogi, Teena, Juneee, Lucy, Sarah, Mika, Reubs (Akafellas), Rose & me ; (2) Standing is Sybil, seated are Rose, me and Mika; (3) Tere and me; (4) Juneee, Ikey (Akafellas), Teena, me and Red (Akafellas)


At Alabang Town Center (ATC) : With Teena, Hogi, Mika, Tere and the fellas... all squeezed in one frame!


At the AKAfellas Press Launch @ DISH, Rockwell : (1) With Tere, Glenda, Teena, Juneee and Rommel. (2) Ahh, the craziest pose ever by Red and Reubs with the rest of the fellas and the 'kada.


At The Podium : TOP PHOTOS: Lucy and me - partners in, uhh, crime?... nah, in the AKAfellas Online website! She's the webmistress of the site and I help her out a bit with the graphics and Shockwave/Flash stuff ; BOTTOM PHOTOS: (1) Lucy, Juneee, Teena & me; (2) Sybs, me, Lucy and Juneee


Outside DISH, Rockwell : With Hogi and Robi (Akafellas)


At DISH, The Loop : (1) Sybs, Leslie, me and June (2) Peachy and me (3) Rommel, Tere, me, Teena and Mika (4) Tere, June, me, Leslie, Teena, Mika and Sybs (5) Me and Hogi (6) Mika, Rommel and me (7) Me with Robi (Akafellas) plus kooky Ikey (Akafellas) at the background (8) Me and Reubs (Akafellas)


~* Thanks to Teena and Tere for some of the pics here :) *~