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Rose, She, Aga, Steph, Ann Ray, Candz, Rick, Allan, Jovan, Butch, Mon are my friends from De La Salle University. We have been group mates in most of the major marketing subjects, thesis mates for the Marketing Plan for Studio 23's Dawson's Creek, companions in most of the gimmicks, car pool mates in our travels here and there and bed mates in the usual overnight stays in Aga's house.

We are now taking different paths in our lives but we still remain friends despite of our physical distance and our lack of time to actually hang out with each other. And hey, guess what? Aga and Jovan are now married! *woohoo*

My college gal pals: (1)At DLSU's Octopus Garden: (L to R) She, me, Rose and Aileen (a.k.a. Aga); (2) Chillin' at the tambayan: Standing are Annray and Rose, seated are Aga, me and She; (3) Overnite at Aga's place; (4) At Tagaytay Highlands: Rose, me, Aga, Steph Lua, Ann Ray and She.


Rose, Steph and me (back); She, Candz and Aga (front).


Some more friends... (1) Taking a break at the mall after working like crazy on a marketing project; (2) Overnight at Kim Siong (Cavite): MonTy, Steph, me, Rose and Aga; (3) At Rick's birthday with a bunch of our blockmates.


The Great Big Grad Party at Butch's house (1998)...

At Tagaytay: (1) L to R: Jovan, Allan, Rick, Aga, me, Candz and She; (2) Allan, Jovan, me, She, Aga and Candz.

At Aga's Bridal Shower last March 2004: TOP PHOTOS (1) L to R: Kring, Marissa, Rose, Candz and me; (2) Jovan, Rick, Allan MonTy and Lyndon

At Aga & Jovan's Wedding ~ March 28, 2004: TOP PHOTOS (1) L to R: Marissa, me, Rose and Butch; (2) AnnRay, me, Rose & Cheng. BOTTOM PHOTOS: (3) Standing are Cheng, AnnRay, me and Rose; Seated are Arle and She; (4) With the lovely bride Aga are Cheng, me, AnnRay, Rose and She