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From there, we traveled deeper into the bowels of Rehobeth and battled with the undead Frogloks.  We fought valiantly and fiercely and were able to vanquish them.  Arthas, our paladin, was able to dispose of them swiftly and efficiently with his Holy Light and Divine Retribution spells.  [Please visualize Arthas jumping around the cave for five minutes, gesticulating wildly and yelling: "Lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening, lightening!]


I was also able to make use of my spell Magic Missiles to smite our foes.  Darcy, the newly leveled boulder, was able to roll over several Froglok warriors, much to their dismay.  From there our quest was achieved, and with our enemy utterly destroyed we left the great chasm of Rehobeth and headed home.  

[Note:  No animals or cave formations were hurt during our caving trip only the patience of the adults.  Ah come on guys, let's cave.]


Upcoming Events

Tidewater Grotto Caving Trip
January 14-17, 2005
Thorn Spring Park, Franklin, WV

We will arrive Friday evening 14 January and cave Saturday and Sunday leaving Monday, 17 January 2005.  I have two cabins reserved.  This is a trip for everyone.  Please contact Joedy Klimas if you wish to go.

Spring VAR 2005
April 29 to May 1st

This event will be held in Greenbrier County WV at the state fairgrounds.  Some of the major caves in the area include Scott Hollow, Organ Cave System, McClung, Bone-Norman System, Portal-Boar Hole System, Friars Hole System, just to name a few.  

A limited edition guide book is being prepared.

There will be numerous trips scheduled, including a kids trip and a teen trip. There is everything from horizontal beginner on up to vertical caving to be had.

There will also be plenty of opportunity for self led trips. There will be projects to work on ranging from surveying Maxwelton, re-digging open the Wildcat entrance to Culverson Creek, trail maintenance for Billy Clay Pit, with the possibility of some Monroe County fieldwork. There will be a dinner Saturday night and a pancake breakfast hosted by Front Royal Grotto on Sunday morning.

The State Fairgrounds are located just 4 miles south on Route 219 from Exit 169 of I-64, the Lewisburg exit.

Inner Mountain Outfitters and Howie's Harnesses will be your SpeleoVendors, with possible additions in the future.

There is ample camping space, but there will be no camper hookups available.

There will be two shower/bath houses available, which have 16 showers.

As there is no pavilion, a 20 x 40 foot tent will be set up for various activities.

So, please announce this event at your next grotto meeting and come to West Virginia for some excellent caving.

A pre-registration form for Spring 2005 VAR is attached.

July 4-8, 2005: 2005 NSS Convention,
Huntsville, AL. Hosted by the Huntsville
Check out the website or contact
Jim Hall or 
256-772-9829 for more info.

From the Editor, that's all for this Ooze folks, cave softly!


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