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Collision of Comet Shoemaker-Levy with  Jupiter
Jupiter:The Giant Planet
Name of the Planet Jupiter
Position in Solar System Jupiter is named after the Roman god of the sky. It is the fifth planet in the Solar System.
Constituents liquid hydrogen, helium
Atmosphere hydrogen, helium
Average Distance from Sun 778,000,000 km/483,000,000 mi
Orbit Time 11.86 Earth years
Diameter 142,800 km/88,730 mi
Average Density (water=1) 1.3
Satellites Callisto, Ganymede, Io, Europa, Adrastea, Amalthea, Ananke, Carme, Elara, Himalia, Leda, Lysithea, Metis, Pasiphae, Sinope, Thebe
Average Surface Temp –149ºC
Rotational Period 0.41 days


Jupiter is the biggest and the fifth planet in our Solar System. This kind of the planets accounts for more than two thirds of all material in the Solar System than our Earth. Jupiter rotates on its own axis faster than any other planet taking 9 hours and 50 mins, at its equator and it takes about 12 years to make complete one complete one revolution around the Sun. Although the center of the planet probably contains a dense solid core, the outer layers are composed of various gases like hydrogen, helium, ammonia and methane. Jupiter probably lacks a solid Earth-like surface in relation to its gaseous atmosphere. The surface temperature is about -100 degree C, because Jupiter receives only twenty fifths of the Sun's radiation which the Earth receives. The temperature in the core is possibly as high as 25,000 degree C. Jupiter's atmosphere is a churning sea of rising and sinking clouds of many colors which appear as colorful bands.

On the top, the atmosphere is cold, but further down, it could well be over 1000 degree C. The Voyager - 1, space craft discovered that like Saturn, Jupiter also has a ring system around it. There are three rings encircling Jupiter, but they are too thin to be seen from the Earth, with the help of even the big telescopes. Jupiter's radiation belts shows in a false-color image taken by the Very Large Array Radio telescope in New Mexico. This image was taken at a wavelength of 21 cm. Surrounding Jupiter in a huge belt is a plasma ring or torus. It consists of electrically charged particles.

Red Spot

Image: Red Spot
Source: NASA/JPL

Red Spot on Jupiter:

There are conflicting theories concerning why the Great Red Spot has lasted so long and what mechanism drives it. It is similar to an anti-cyclonic storm; it stands 8 km proud of the surrounding bands of cloud. One of the chemicals dredged up is phosphine, which breaks down releasing red phosphorus. At present it seems to be shrinking but is still large enough to swallow up two to three Earths!!

The Great Red Spot is the dominant feature of the Southern hemisphere of Jupiter. This color-enhanced Voyager -1 picture clearly shows the circulating nature of the Great Red Spot and show small puffy features within the Spot itself. It rotates counterclockwise with a period of approximately six days and is currently about 26,200 km long by 13,800 km wide. Space missions Voyager and Pioneer have revealed many surprising facts about Jupiter.

                Ganymede                Io

                Jupiter's Moon: Ganymede                                       Jupiter's Moon: Io
                 (Source:NASA/NSSDC)                                         (Source:NASA/NSSDC)
PRESS RELEASE TEXT                                      PRESS RELEASE TEXT

Jupiter's Family
Image: Jupiter's Family

Jupiter: A star that failed

Jupiter emits more energy than it receives from the Sun, and it could have become another Sun but it did not. Since Jupiter though it is two and a half times as massive all the other planets combined, it still has far too little mass as compared to the Sun. Due to this, its core cannot achieve such high temperatures which are required for fusion reaction to start, the kind of which go on inside the Sun. The core of Jupiter could only heat up only a few tens of thousands of degrees, which slowly faded as Jupiter cooled.

Interesting facts:

-From Jupiter, the Sun appears 3.6% as bright as the Earth.
-Amalthea was the last satellite discovered by visual means.
-Jupiter is the second most reflective planet with a geometric albedo of 0.52.
-Jupiter's polar diameter is 93% that of its equatorial diameter.
-Jupiter is more than 317 times as massive as the Earth.
-Ganymede is the most massive satellite in the Solar System possessing nearly 2.5% the mass of the Earth.
-Jupiter, the largest planet not only would fit 1266 Earths inside it, but the other eight planets would comprise of about 68.8% of Jupiter's volume.
-The largest single structure in the Solar System is the magnetosphere of Jupiter.

Historical Events

Summer,364 B.C. The Chinese astronomer Gan De made a visual observation of what is almost certainly Ganymede,1974 years before Galileo.At the time,Jupiter was within the boundaries of constellation Aquarius.
23 August, 757 The Chinese observed and recorded the occultation of Jupiter by Venus.
7 January, 1610 Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei first observed the four large moons of Jupiter.

British chemist and physicist Robert Hooke observed the rotation of Jupiter.He also discovered the Great Red Spot.

9 September, 1892 US astronomer Edward Emerson Barnard discovered Amalthea.
1951 Seth Barnes Nicholson discovered Ananke.
1955 US astronomer Kenneth Lynn Franklin detected radio emissions from Jupiter.
3 March, 1972 US Space probe Pioneer 10 launched toward Jupiter and Saturn, returned 500 images of Jupiter and Saturn.
1974 US astronomer Charles T Kowal discovered LEDA.
March 1979 Voyager 1 scientists discovered a thin ring around Jupiter.
18 October, 1989 US European space probe Galileo launched.
8 November, 200 From UT 16 hours, 27 mins to 16 hours 44 mins, Earthbound observes will be able to see Jupiter without a visible satellite.

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Source : Nasa/JPL.
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Created on: January 6, 2002