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Meet The Cast: Dion Nash
From Grand Larseny, by Gavin Larsen, Hodder Moa Beckett, 1999 pp. 133-134

Our vice captain. It's brilliant to have Nashy back in the fold, as his competitiveness brings so much to the team. There's nothing wrong with a bit of mongrel dog and D has it by the truckload. He stands eyeball-to-eyeball with the opposition and he has one quality I think is priceless: he hates losing. After the semi-final, D just sat in his corner, distraught, and didn't move for ages. His bowling was sound through most of the tournament. He proved a great foil to GA, who was taking wickets at the other end, particularly in the earlier games.

The fight in Nashy is evidenced by his comeback to international cricket after his bad back injury. It's a long road back. I know - I've been through the same grinder. No-one in our team would work harder on his batting. Batting down at nine, you could understand it if Nashy eased off the pedal a little. It's a trap I've certainly fallen into. But not D. He works as hard as any of the top-order boys, and often he'll be the last to leave the nets. When the time is right, D will always be seen out with the boys, and he knows how to let his hair down. When he gets that spark in his eye and that smile starts, you know there's going to be action of some sort.

Enjoys: Winning, confronting the opponent, massages, Pilates, nipple-pinching.

