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The Dion Nash Site



The Dion Nash Site has moved. Please visit the new address:


Photo Galleries

The Dion Nash Gallery
The gallery contains well over 100 pictures of Dion Nash in various categories.

New Zealand v India
My photography from Christchurch, 19/1/1999.

Auckland v Northern Districts
Photos taken by Sash and I of Dion Nash at a Shell Trophy match, January 2-5, 2001.

New Zealand v ACT Invitation XI
Sash's photos from Manuka Oval, 21-23/10/2001

New Zealand v Australian Country XI
Me and Sash's photos from Don Bradman Oval, 23/1/2002

2nd Final, New Zealand v South Africa
My photos from the Sydney Cricket Ground, 8/2/2002

Jess' Photos of Dion Nash
From the 2nd Test v South Africa, Lancaster Park, 14/3/1999.

Sheryl's Photo of Dion Nash
From the 3rd Test v England, Old Trafford, 7-8/8/1999.

Black and White Gallery
Video Stills - thanks Jess for lending me the tapes. From New Zealand's 1998-1999 home season.

TV Star: Video Stills of Dion Nash
Stills from Dion's various TV guest appearances in 2000 - with a huge thankyou to video suppliers Hannah, Lisa and Rachel.

Wedding Photos
Photos from Dion Nash's wedding to Bernice Mene.


Other Collections

So far the 'Multimedia' section contains the grand total of two audio files and one Flash animation, but I intend to put QuickTime movies here when I figure out how :)

Cartoons about the New Zealand cricket team, drawn by Kit from 1998-1999.

Drawings of Dion Nash by Kit and the talented Lisa.

Desktop Pictures
Download a Dion Nash desktop for your computer.

Dion Nash's autograph
Obtained in Melbourne in January 1998. Sash and I told Dion he was the greatest cricketer ever. He didn't believe us!

Dion Nash Doll (external link)
I made a Dion Nash doll by sticking Dion's head on Ken's body... just one of the wacky craft projects at my Fun with Black Caps website!

