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Nash makes further steps towards international return
By Don Cameron
From CricInfo, February 18, 2001

The national selectors should not put aside their worry-beads, but they might have a quiet smile after Dion Nash started to look something like an international bowler again today.

Nash bowled two spells of five and six overs for Auckland against Wellington, did not take a wicket but several times looked as if his back injury was allowing him to get back some of the old bite and rhythm in his bowling.

At least his appealing has not suffered as he waits to regain his place in the New Zealand side. He had one lbw appeal, today which went on and on, and then on some more. It was not successful, but Nash seemed happy just to be able to ask.

"The real answer will come when I see how I scrub up in the morning," said Nash tonight.

"There is still some pain, but I felt I was getting some of the old rhythm back.

"Also, I am getting darn sick of running round fielding and not being able to bowl."

Nash would not put a time on when he would be ready for international cricket, but sufficient tonight to say that he is making progress, and today's effort was a major step up the recovery ladder.

