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The Spark

By Danny Morrison
From Xtra, July 2001

In the world of sport you get to witness some extraordinary fight backs from players who seem doomed never to return to international status.

All Black great Michael Jones springs to mind with one debilitating injury after another it seemed each time we may never see him back.

Former tennis icon Onny Paron had well documented physical problems and golfs' Greg Turner came back from the brink after a career threatening wrist injury.

The NZ Black Caps have had their fair share of injuries to plague the side and one bowler in particular that features on the constant comeback trail is Dion Joseph Nash.

Fast approaching 31 years of age*, Dion-of-Dargaville has certainly had his share of heartache with career threatening injuries. Over the past 6 years Dion has had to fight long and hard against a recurring back ailment. I recall his frustrations with his back way back at the beginning of 1996. 'Nashy' had just competed in a full on two years on the merry-go-round of professional cricket. It started in March '94 with the India series in NZ, then onto the Sharjah Cup tournament on route to England for the full One-Day and Test series. Just after the England series it was off to India for a ODI series and then two and a half months in South Africa. Dion came home from the Republic with a rib cartilage injury. By the beginning of 1995 it was full steam ahead with the West Indies tour where of all things Dion broke his little finger attempting a catch! Some luck! He returned for the one off Test match vs South Africa in late February and was rearing to go for the clash between NZ and the Sri Lankans. He started the first Test but couldn't finish it so missed the rest of the summer programme of ODI's.

Remember in amongst all this Dion had a remarkable tour back in England of 1994 so was duly rewarded with a 2-year contract to Middlesex CCC. So he then had a full NZ winter playing professional cricket as well as tours or series against India, Pakistan and Zimbabwe, oh let's not forget the World Cup of 1996 either.

But it was on that infamous tour of the Caribbean that Dion really noticed how his back was ailing him. He was a rather forlorn fellow constantly being treated on the physio table, wishing for one thing only and that was to be out in the middle. It wasn't to be.

Over the past three seasons it has been a rather in and out affair for Dion in the Test side. What a tribute to the guy though to be constantly getting back up and giving it another shot. He has certainly displayed the guts and determination that the Kiwi public loves to see.

I think every cricket fan appreciates how much spark Dion brings to the Black Caps when he's out there on the park doing his thing. He is competitive, focused and determined. He is a player who fiercely wants to win. Remember when Nash took over the captaincy from Fleming during the 1999 ODI home series? You could sense the urgency with the Kiwis when he was in charge.

And here they are in Sri Lanka at present with Nashy bringing his spark to the side. The game vs India on the 26th July saw Dion top score with 42 and put on a crucial 43 run 8th wicket stand with Daniel Vettori, which allowed NZ to post 200. More importantly the bowling attack lifted their game to a more competitive level and it paid off.

Strange how the Black Caps could not defend 237 the day before against Sri Lanka. Oh that's right, Nashy wasn't playing in that encounter was he?

Let's hope this latest comeback is a goodie from Dion Nash... Fingers crossed it is a long and fruitful one for the NZ Cricket team... lord only knows we need his spark and dynamism.

* (sic) Dion will turn 30 in November 2001.

