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Fantasy Football League 2004
Reigning Wolf Bowl Champion - 
"One woMan Short of a Full Roster"

News - 

OK, Sorry for the delay...

  • The league file is updated for the winnings and uploaded

  • The finance page is updated and uploaded

  • Check will be in the mail tomorrow


drum roll please....  And the final results, although delayed, are in....
Lady and Gentlemen, we have a new Champion, a now 3 time Champion:

OneMan Short of a Full Roster

Final Score:  OneMan (85) over Woodies (63) -
Congratulations to Kelly and the rest of the Jacobsen Clan.  Great Job AGAIN!  I certainly don't know what it takes to be a Champ, but OneMan sure does!  

In what appears to be the most costly of coaching mistakes, gaffs, bone-headed moves, Woodies get 0 (zero) from his starting QB.  Yes, folks in a move reminiscent of Hefe's first round playoff loss, Woodies QB is a last minute injury scratch, and his bench QB (Brady, QB, NE) racks 32 points for what would have successfully defended his Wolf Bowl Title.  AS a side note, all 4 of his RB's (2 starters, and 2 bench players) also got a big goose-egg(s)!  But the QB start, is what cost him the title...

OneMan, on the other hand, coached a perfect 85 out of 85.  Then again, her entire bench only scored 18 points.  As they say, "A win is a win"!!!

In the Consolation Bowl we have:


Final Score:  Shortline (119) clubbing like a baby seal Schmen (86) -
Congrats Gary, I guess that QB rule did come in handy for you!  Shortline is 2-2 in Consolation Bowl games.  I could only hope to be as competitive someday.  Shortline got a monster day from Gonzales, TE, KC.  Short patiently held with his TE all season, waiting for the big game, and got it when he needed it!!! 27 points!!! WOW...

Welcome to the playoffs Schmen!  Yes, I know your 86 points would have won you the title, but you have to get to the title game first.  In what is Schmen's best showing in the league to date, way to step up your game.  Now all we have to do is get you to feed the kitty on time, check the rules page...

So gang, there it is, another year done.  Just in case your already looking forward to revenge, competition, or smack, here is the draft order for the 2005 season:

  1. Martians

  2. Bumblin' or his successor

  3. Krunch

  4. Banana's or his successor

  5. Hefe

  6. Squids

  7. Schmen

  8. Shortline

  9. Woodies

  10. One woMan

Look for league finance information sometime in the next two weeks.

I R out!  Banana's

Happy Boxing Day.

In the big bowl, we have One Man in good position with a 12 point lead and Holt going tomorrow night vs. Woodies attempt at making up the deficit and getting the win with Westbrook.

Big points from Shortline in the consolation bowl posting up 119 points and daring Schmen to try to beat him from the 85 he currently has using only  K David Akers.

Summary tomorrow.



All lineups are in. Have a great holiday everyone.


Lady & Gents - no need to remind you do we? - 


Lineups are in for One Man & Woodies already. Schmen? Short? Short - you have players.

Need lineups by 14:30 Eastern tomorrow (Friday) for all players who are Packers or Vikings. Saturday kick off is 17:00 Eastern, deadline :30 minutes before that.

FlComm is now in CA.


Who would have thunk it? Miami over New England!?!  The bookies have got to be smiling  :)
A good game last night for the Miami Def, and a very "SF QB" like night, very pedestrian like, for Tom Brady.  So the guy is human, 4 picks, 1 really stupid one, 2 batted balls, and generally harassed all night long...

Woodies, despite his QB woes this week, still pounces all over Shortline, and makes his way back to the Wolf Bowl, to defend his title.  As noted yesterday by FlComm, this is a rematch of last years Wolf Bowl game...  yawn...  Congratulations to both OneMan and Woodies for proving yet another year how BAD the rest of us all suck rocks in this game.  You both deserve a lot of credit.  

As a point of reference to you newer coaches in the league, we have had 6 seasons, the two of these coaches are past champions two times each.  Thus after this year, they have dominated 72% of all the Championship Games.  Yawn...

On the other hand, the Consolation bowl has Shortline (again) vs. Schmen.  Welcome to the playoffs Schmen, nice to see you have a competitive year.  Of course, you WAIT until we move you to the dude division to actually do something with your team.  Give you daughter all the credit she deserves, after all, she did draft this team!!!

Shortline is no stranger to the playoffs...  He is 1-1 in the Wolf Bowl games, and 1-2 in the Consolation Bowl games.  FUNNY, he has been in the league 5 years, and made the playoffs each time!!!  Loads of credit to you Shortline!

So, coaches, submit your lineups any time, a have a great Christmas!

As for me, I think it is time to follow Rick Williams into the sunset, and just go back to just watching football...

Have a great week!

later, CaComm...

I think CaComm's supposed to have this one but I don't see him online, I have a free moment so I'll push up the pages. Quickly:


Might as Well be Done:
One Man (125) over Schmen (63+)
In what is Schmens best career best showing in the league, he comes up short in the second round of the playoffs. Facing the surging One Man, he has too big a mountain to climb (62 points) with just one player (David Patten). Speaking personally, I hope the surge has gone out of One Man's roster and we won't see the 15+ points per player average next week... Give credit where credit is due - One Man has made it back to the Wolf Bowl for the second straight year. Schmen will be "visiting" team to the winner of:

Need's Tonight to Know:
Shortline (76+) over Woodies (75+)
Woodies held his breath all last night watching The Machine (Manning) rack up the points. In the end it was a lack luster performance: 27 points (for Manning anyway - just 3 points better than his brother) and Shortline ends up with a one point lead going into tonight's game. So who do they have left?
Shortline: New England's Defense (11 ppg avg)
Woodies: Brady (24.46 ppg avg) and Vinatieri (9.79 ppg avg)
Advantage: Woodies.

Should the games go as predicted, we'll see a match up of last years Wolf Bowl participants!

More this week.


OK, all line ups are in!  I'm leaving for the game shortly, so commentary will have to wait for the posting of today's game stats.  Sorry.


Some line ups in, still need Schmen, maybe commentary tomorrow...


12-14-04 (continued)
Well, here they are, the long anticipated year ending awards!!!...  OK, you coaches still in the Wolf Bowl hunt could hardly give at Rat's ASS!, but for the rest of us losers, it is our last ditch effort for glory, to the football god's, that we're not buffoons!!!  Ok, even that sounds bad...

Without further adieu, here they are:

  • High Point Award:  Krunch for his 154 points in Week #7.  Get this, Schmen put up 100, and lost!!!  Krunch gets $15.

  • Slaughter Award:  Squids for his 98 point thrashing of Bumblin' in Week #5.  Final Score:  147 vs 49.  That is a butt whooping!!  Squids gets $15.

  • I Blow Chunks Award:  Bumblin' for his miserable 3-10 inaugural season record.  Dude, I thought you played FF before, what gives???  Competition too tough???  Bumblin' gets $10.

  • I Didn't win Jack Award:  OK so I modified the name to make it more PC.  Hefe, sporting a 6-7 record, makes it into the playoffs, really sucks!, and still wins an award.  Hefe, despite his good fortune, didn't have a single pay out this season...  Hefe gets $10.

How about some other meaningless year end stats?...

  • Best Regular Season Record:  OneMan 9-4

  • Most Starter Points Scored:  Squids - 1302

  • Worst Division Record:  Martians 2-6

  • Worst Non-Divisional Record:  Bumblin' 0-5 (Welcome to the Dude Division, bub!)

  • Most Points Against:  Bumblin' - 1333 (courtesy of the Dude Division)

  • Power Rank Leader:  Squids 37.52 (kinda like the QB rating, no one really knows...)

  • Worst Weekly Low Score:  Bumblin' 36 (you have got to be kidding!!!)

  • Best Coaching Percentage:  Shortline:  90.8%

  • Best Winning Streak:  OneMan - 7 games (weeks 2 thru 8)

  • Worst Losing Streak:  Martians - 6 games (weeks 4 thru 9)

  • OK, I'm meaningless stat'ed out...

In my good judgment, I'll leave all the big words to my colleague, who will be chiming in this week with commentary...


No fairy tale ending for Squids, who goes down pretty hard...  Schmen finishes with (98) points to Squids (67).

Playoff's - Round 2, Semi-finals:

  • Dude:

    • OneMan hosts Schmen
  • Y'all:
    • Woodies hosts Shortline

FYI gang, this is a total rematch of last years semi-finals (substituting Schmen for Banana's).  You have got to give a shout out to OneMan, Woodies, and Shortline for being consistent.

Get those line-ups in early, and the Comm's can do some commentary, before game day.

Later, CaComm.

Can you believe it???  The 49ers won a game!!!  Man, that really screws up Dr. York's plans for being the most incompetent owner in the league, and their shot at the #1 draft pick come April....

On to Sunday's results:

In what was supposed to be the crappy game, "The Toilet Bowl", we had both coaches putting out one of, if not, their best performances of the season.  Ultimately Marv (93) defeated Bumblin' (89) for next years first round draft pick...  Remember last season?  Woodies got LT, RB, SD, and rode him all the way to the Wolf Bowl!!!  Great way to end a disappointing season Marv!

Round 1 Playoffs:

  • Dude Division:

    • Schmen (71+) leading Squids (42+)-   Schmen still has Green, QB, KC, averaging 30 ppg.  While Squids still has 1/2 his roster left to play:  Blaylock, RB, KC - taking over for an IR Holmes, Brown, RB, TEN, and finally Mason, WR, TEN.  It is hard to say how these guys will do, as none of them have played a full season to date.  Blaylock is coming off the bench, Brown has been hurt and missed games, and Mason is always hurt....  All things being equal, Schmen's final number will be teetering at 100 points, so Squids is going to need upwards of 60 points for the win.  Do-able, just a bit uphill...  ADVANTAGE - Schmen

  • Y'all Division:

    • Shortline (80+) defeats Hefe (52) -  Hefe didn't have a QB to start, so he got ZERO from Bulger, QB, STL.  That will get you a LOSS every time with this years scoring rules....  If Hefe got another 30 points from his QB (about an average QB score this season) this match up would have actually been a game.  Instead, it was a forfeit.  Shortline loves Gonzales, TE, KC, and has had him on his roster for so many years you would think we had a keeper league.  Anyways, Shortline has Gonzales tonight, but this deal is done.  Shortline moves on to Woodiesland for Round 2.  Great job Gary!


Line ups in, enjoy the games!


Final scores for week 13 are uploaded:

  • High Point:  Banana's (130)

  • Low Point:  Hefe (44), and he is in the playoffs!!!  It ain't fair... (violin please)

So, what is in store for week 14?

  • First Round Bye's and Division Winners:

    • Dude:  OneMan (again...)

    • Y'all:  Woodies (defending Champ)

  • First Round Playoff Games:

    • Dude:  Squids hosting Schmensters

    • Y'all:  Shortline hosting Hefe

  • Toilet Bowl:

    • Marv's hosting Bumblin'

Look for year ending stats and year ending awards to be posted after this round of the playoffs.

Good Luck Coaches!


In what was thought to be some good match-ups this weekend, we ended up with blowouts instead.

OneMan (127) blowing out Marv (69) - Marv's 3 game winning streak ends with a thud, and OneMan wins when she needed to to clench home field advantage, a first round bye, and in the money again!  Marv's finds himself in the Toilet Bowl, a location usually reserved for hangovers.  Maybe this is the perfect conclusion for his worst season ever.

Bananas (114+) blowing out Bumblin (82) - Ok so maybe not a blowout!  Banana's win it totally pointless, and still has Alexander, RB, SEA in the MNF contest.  Banana's only shot here is for a the last weekly high point, and it will take 2 TD's and some yards!!!  Bumblin' clenches a birth in the toilet bowl, way to break your way into the league!

Squids (87+) defeating Schmensters (76) - This game became meaningless with the OneMan win.  These two will play each other again next week to see who moves on in the playoffs.  Squids still has Johnson, WR, DAL to go.

Shortline (110) blowing out Hefe (44) - Ouch, yeah, that is a blow out.  As noted by FlComm, this too will be a rematch next week in round 1.  Hefe, how do you get into the playoffs scoring 44???  That's just SAD  :(

Woodies (125) blowing out Krunch (64+) - Krunch still has a kicker, big deal...  Woodies clenches home field advantage, a first round bye, in the money again, and a chance to defend his Wolf Bowl title.  Only one win away, nice job.

So, enjoy the Monday night game, it means nothing for our league.  Those of you playing again next week. Good Luck, play hard!


Lineups in, Ready for Kickoff.

Good luck coaches, it is going to be an exciting weekend for the playoff contending teams.


Week 12 was telling:

The Dude division has it's playoff contenders, the only question that remains is who will take the division title.

In the Y'all, the bubble spot will have to wait for this week to know. Only 1/2 game separates Krunch & Hefe.

Here's how last night's game helped, or hurt:

Bananas needed 21, from Driver, got 15... Close, but the loss along with the Schmen win has mathematically eliminated Bananas from the playoffs.

As stated, Schmen held on for the win over One Man, who had a game to burn to retain first place in the Dude, but now must win in week 13 to win the division.

Hefe needed a bunch from his guys last night and got it. Even though Green didn't play, Bulger tossed up 47 points, while Bruce hauled in 17. Easy win for Hefe.

All the playoff spots are locked, but the spoiler is lurking - Marv's, now on a 3 game winning streak, will matchup against One Man for the final week. She must win in order to take the division as there is no way for both Schmen & Squids to lose - they are playing each other. If One Man loses, the winner of the Squids / Schmen tilt will take division - Squids by record, Schmen by tie break (total points).

In what looks like playoff seedings, 1 will play 4 (Woodies / Krunch) and 2 will play 3 (Short / Hefe). Although Woodies & Shortline have locked a playoff spot, the division title is still up for grabs - they are tied right now and Woodies has the edge on the tiebreak (head to head record). Krunch and Hefe are battling for the last playoff spot. Both win or both lose, Hefe is in. If one loses and the other wins - the winner is in.

We'll look at matchups this week.


Wow, what a weekend! Another tie! We definitely need tonight to know, but here's how it sits right now:

Bumblin (127) over Woodies (109) 
So why is it the league doormat plays you they go bezerk? Bumblin comes unglued for his best game of the year and putting a punishment to Woodies, who remains in first place in the Y'all, despite the loss due to:

Shortline (108), Squids (108)
These guys took their high power teams to the limit racking 108 points each. Their tie is in essence only 1/2 a win, keeping them both in second place in their respective divisions regardless of Woodies loss, or if One Man can't make up her deficit and posts a loss tonight.

With some of the score disparities you would think there would be a game here, but no... they all:

Marv's (96) holding over Bananas (75+)
This is the season for Bananas - he needs this win or a loss by Schmen to stay alive. He took a pabe out a baseball managers book: its the last game of the regular season & you need a win to get into the playoffs. Bring in Randy Johnson in relief. Sure he'll be toast for the first playoff game if you win, but hey - you gotta win to get to that playoff game. Same thing with Bananas. He still needs one more TE start before week 13, but he ran the 3 WR's looking for the win. He'll be looking for 22+ points tonight from GB WR Driver. Can he do it? Sure - back in week 6 he put up 26. But his average is only 10.5 ppg... but the way Green Bay has been playing, you never know. Marv's can't move here, he's out of the playoffs, but he sure is playing one hell of a spoiler - this would make his 3rd win in a row...

Schmen (115) over One Man (60+)
Sure 55 points is a heck of a lot to make up, but it sure is doable when you have Torry Holt & Javon Walker going tonight - but they'll need MONSTER games each. This one is definitely leaning Schmen's way. 

Krunch (59) over Hefe (30+)
Here's another with a pretty big point disparity going into tonight, but Hefe will be sporting a QB, a RB & a WR in tonights game. Suddenly 29 points doesn't look like a large enough lead... Hefe needs this one, too to get him to 1/2 a game of Krunch for the bubble spot in the Y'all...

Playoff analysis tomorrow...


All lineups are in and we're ready to rumble!


Geez - How many TD's can he throw? Only 6 today, an average of 2 per quarter, considering he was pulled for most of the 4th. Give the Colts a shade more defense and they look unbeatable. One would think that Dungy would know a thing or two about defense...

Total scores for the Thanksgiving Day are posted.


We got lineups from everyone except Krunch & Schmen, and they didn't need to. Preliminary stats are posted as well up to Manning's 6 tds.


October moved to the Archive page.

Happy Thanksgiving! Ah the smell of the turkey on the barbeque. The stuffing. The cranberries. The football. FOOTBALL! That's right! Hey everyone:


Do you have a Cowboy? (probably not...) A Bear? (maybe...) A Lion? (maybe...) A Colt? (probably...) Get your lineups in. Check the rules page on the full rule text, but basically if you have a player going tomorrow, get a lineup in indicating whether you are starting them or not.


I was asleep before kick-off.

That play-off picture is getting much clearer now. Three things are known - 

  • One Man has clenched no less than a playoff berth, and it's looking like a horse race between she and Skwids for the divisional title. 

  • Marv's, despite the monster win, needed the guys above him to lose out and while Bananas acquiesced, Schmen did not and Marv's is now locked out of the playoffs. 

  • Bumblin' needed the same kind of help over in the Dude, and while Hefe & Krunch didn't pull off the wins, neither did he. Bumblin is now locked out of the playoffs.

For the rest of us, lets see what last night's game yielded:

Shortline got only 14 from his Gonzoles / NE Def tandem, leaving One Man with the aforementioned win, and he with the week 11 low point.

Of course, Holmes did not play for Krunch, and Squids got that win. Any combination of a Squid win or Banana's loss now will clench a playoff spot for Squid.

In what was a tough week for the Y'all division, Bananas dropped the Dude's only loss in a tough one against Woodies last night, and with the combination of his win, and Hefe, Krunch & Shortline's losses, put him back atop the Y'all division. Bananas is now truly a bubble team looking in. Schmen faces One Man & Squids (a combined 15-7) in the last two weeks while Bananas will be seeing Marv's & Bumblin (a combined 5-17). Of note: Bumblin & Bananas still need a TE start... 

Schmen got a monstrous 38 from Trent Green, who threw nearly 400 yards in last night's loss.

Some match up analysis later this week.


OMG we had a great weekend! Regardless of the game outcome things couldn't have been more fun:

No Orlando - West Palm!
Picking bugs from teeth on the St. John's
Natural alarm clocks!
Hey! That's a ferret!
Adventures in getting gas!
Tailgating in the brief!
One handed catch - don't want to spill
Way too much beer (or was it just right? Ask me next week - right now it is too much... [my head hurts])
Nice pants!

That's just a sample. When I wring the rest of the alcohol from my brain cells, I'll undoubtedly remember more...

So how bout the games?

Marv's (124) putting the hurt on Hefe (77)
Marv's coached a near perfect game and just about everyone came up big. 124 is a big number and looks to be a lock for the high point this week. With the loss, Krunch holds onto the bubble spot, regardless if he wins or loses tonight.

Well... Maybe One Man (88) holding over Shortline (50+)
One Man is finished with a 33 point lead over Short, who will try to make up the deficit with TE Gonzoles and the NE Def tonight. Not that 33 points is insurmountable, but if you take Gonzoles and the NE D's averages you're only looking at 20 ttl ppg. Advantage, One Man. Note here - even if Shortline doesn't get the win, he'll be rooting for at least 17 points - that's what he'll need to avoid the low point...

Squids (78+) tentacly (get it? tentacly, tentatively? I can't believe it took me until week 11 to come up with that one...) over Krunch (74+)
Squids still has a premier RB to go tonight - Holmes replacement Blaylock running behind that KC O-line. Blaylock had 17 points last week, figuring he won't do that well against the NE Def, lets give him, say, 15... That'll be a 20 point hole for Krunch to make up with WHAT? He started Holmes... Hmmm. Someone's going to be right, they'll win, and it's going to be Squids. Holmes is not starting.

Bananas (100) holding over Woodies (67+)
In the battle of the Commish's Bananas is holding a pretty solid 33 point lead over Woodies, who will be sporting Tom Brady and Adam Vinatieri tonight. The averages say yes (37.34 ppg combined), but then again, the averages don't have the 49'ERS GETTING THEIR ASSES KICKED BY TB. A loss, yes, but not a butt whoopin'. I'll try to remain conscience to watch tonight, but I doubt I'll make it. Not likely Bananas will either, since I woke he & Martians up at 4:45 am this morning to take them to the airport.

Bumblin (66) over Schmen (57+)
Bumblin's all done at 66, while Schmen will look for the 9+ points for the win from Trent Green. This one should actually be in the "might as well be done" category - even Rattay had 15 points yesterday. Of note here - should Schmen win here, Bananas is back outside the bubble, even if he holds on to win...

That's all for today folks. I'll put up more manana.


Greetings from FL! We're just fixin' to pull out to Tampa, so I'd thought I'd check to see if Shortline's lineup was in - it was!

All lineups in. Good Luck everyone!


Line ups are rolling in - All but Shortline's. They are posted. It's tight this week folks! Marv's & the Co-Commish's hit the road at 09:30 EST to Raymond James stadium to catch the Buc - 49er game manana so if Short's lineup hits before then we'll get it put up. Otherwise tomorrow night.

Good Luck everyone this weekend!


Strange, but true - all teams are mathematically still in it. But the bubble is fragile for some -

Marv's: one loss or if Bananas and Schmen win any of their next three, he's done.

Bumblin: any combination of a loss or a Hefe win over the next three, he's done.

How close are the locks? -

One Man is 2 games ahead of the Dude's bubble teams, Bananas & Schmen. If she only needs to win one out of the final 3 for no worse than a tie should Bananas or Schmen win out. Notably, the on loss would have to be to Schmen in week 12 for the "Schmen to win out" scenario to come to fruition. Hey! I believe that's the first time I got to use the word "fruition" on the site! How providential! Hey - I'm sure I've never used providential! How auspicious! Hey! ---
Whoa whoa there big fella, put the thesaurus part of your brain down... Slowly back away... 

Where was I? Oh yeah -  Schmen or Bananas win out... that leave Dude tied for first - where's the tie break? - Bananas & One Man have already split their games so it goes to total points, where Bananas currently has a 83 point lead. Schmen also leads in that tiebreak by 92... It would behoove One Man to keep winning.

Between the Dude bubble teams, Bananas appears to have the much easier schedule: Woodies this week, then Marv's (2-8) and Bumblin' (also 2-8). Schmen gets Bumblin' this week, then it's One Man and Squids to close the season. Tough row to hoe, but Schmen controls his own destiny.

Squids sees Krunch, Shortline & Schmen to close out... the non divisional route. Two wins he has a play off lock, realistically one out of the next 3 should get him there, especially if it is over Schmen.

Y'all - Stuff's tight over here. Difference between first and being out of the playoffs right now is only 1.5 games. Assuming Bumblin' doesn't pull off the miracle, the road for the other four doesn't appear to favor anyone, with the possible exception of Shortline's sched, which appears slightly tougher:

Shortline will see One Man then Squids, the Hefe. Shortline is averaging 12 ppg more than One Man, but the Karma is there, man... No doubt Squids 100 ppg is formidable, and you know Hefe will be hungry to finish in the top 3.

Woodies, the powerhouse through week 5, lost 3 straight before finally pulling a tough win in week 10. In a strange twist of fate, he and his Co-Commish buddy face each other in week 11, in a tilt that he needs just as much as Bananas. He'll face Bumblin in week 12 & Krunch in the last week that could be very decisive.

Krunch is perilously hanging onto the bubble spot, only 1/2 game ahead Hefe. Krunch can make his own bed - he goes against Squids this week, then Hefe in week 12, and Woodies in the final week.

Finally, there's Hefe - Needing to keep winning, while looking for a little help - and a little (one loss is all it will take) help from either Krunch or Woodies to get the bubble spot. How close is this division? If Hefe had beaten Woodies this last week, he would have been in 2nd place instead of 4th.

Looking forward to the next 3 weeks!


11-15-04 NightCap
Wow, what a game for McNabb and Owens!!!  They kicked some royal Cowboy ASS!!

Marv's beats Squids
Hefe holds on over Schmen (thanks Hefe!)
Woodies rises above Shortline
Krunch wallops Bumblin' (again)

So, this weeks awards:
Krunch (111) - Weekly High Point (that is #4 in 10 weeks gang!)
OneMan (64) - Weekly Low Point

In a strange twist of fate, ALL teams are still alive in the playoff hunt!

Submit your rosters at anytime, No trades or Free Agents period.

CaComm out, FlComm in!!!

Ok, Schmen did submit his lineup late Saturday night.  He started a TE and has met the annual TE starter requirement.

Boy, do the 49ers suck butt or what!?  Rattay, QB, SF 4 INT's, yes 4!!!  2 for Defensive scores late in the game!!!  Ugly, pathetic.  Dr. York and his bean counting ways has to GO!!!  Is it time for the fans to start to wear grocery bags, and call us the San Fran Aint's???  Sad, very sad!!!

Oh yeah, there were some good football teams playing yesterday, and some good games.  How did your team stack up:

Banana's (74+) over OneMan (64) - In what has to be the upset of the year, OneMan takes pitty on poor Plantains (not starting Warner, QB, NYG - 25 points) and it looks like it cost her the game.  You know what they say about Academics..., those that can't do..., teach (no pun intended Kelly), and with athletes..., those that can't..., coach!..., what happens to those that can't coach????  The call their team the Banana's!!!  Here are some of my bench scores:  Bettis, RB, PIT (17), Stokely, WR, IND (22), Crumpler, TE, ATL (14).  Banana's still has NcNabb in the game tonight.  Banana's saving grace?  CHI DEF 27 points!!! You have got to be kidding me.  Banana's lives on another week, to try and stay in the playoff hunt.


You know it is a good game when we don't have 80% of our scoring done after Sunday!

Squids (95) leading Marvs (79+) - Squids is done, while "Mr. Take it Like a Man" is still in this one!  He has Vinny, QB, DAL going, and needs 17 points for the win.  Vinny is averaging 25 ppg.  ADVANTAGE:  Marvs!

Hefe (92) leading Schmen (81+) - Hefe is done, Schmen has Akers, K, PHI in the contest.  His 10 PPG average makes this an interesting matchup tonight.  You know Schmen and his daughter will be counting all the points tonight.  GO HEFE, I need the HELP to make the playoffs, sorry Schmen.  ADVANTAGE:  Pickem'

Shortline (94) barley surviving Driftwoodies (92+) - Shortline is done, Woodies trots out Westbrook, RB, PHI and needs just a decent game to win this one.  Someone needs to slow Shortline down in the Y'all, who better than the defending Wolf Bowl Champion, Woodies!  ADVANTAGE:  Woodies

Krunch (83+) over Bumblin (73+) - Krunch has OWENS, WR, PHI vs. Bumblins Smith, WR, PHI and the PHI DEF in this one.  Errr... this seems like a no brainier her folks.  ADVANTAGE:  Krunch running away!


Tomorrow recap will be short!  I have a very short, and very Busy week!!!

Marv's and Banana's board a plane headed to Driftwoodies house on Thursday.  It's gonna be a killer visit, culminating in the 49ers getting routed by the Bucs on Sunday.  We got some good seats, for what might be a good game!!  I'm really looking forward to seeing Raymond James Stadium and that pirate ship!!!  So look for a Bald Guy and Doofus wearing 49ers colors on TV this weekend!  We will be the ones at the bottom of the scrum pile!!!  :)


All lineups in and uploaded by Schmen.  If I have time in the morning, and I get a lineup, I'll try and upload before leaving for the game.

WOW, the battle of 1-7 teams, maybe the 49ers have a chance?

Enjoy the games coaches.


God help me!!! I think trades are done?  Hopefully everyone who submitted a line up was acknowledged.  SBC has been on life support in my neighborhood lately, bastards!

So, barring any unforseen oooppss on my part, this years Free Agent shopping spree is done.
See the rules page if you get an IR player in the next 4 to 7 (if your a playoff team) weeks!

Ready for you lineups coaches.

This week is really some teams last chance:
Marv's with a loss is done
Banana's with a loss is done
Bumblin with a loss, is pretty much done

Flip Side:
OneMan with a win is in
Squids with a win is in!
Shortline with a win is in

Later, gotta go


CaComm here, taking over for the sleep deprived FlComm, get some rest buddy!

So, Good game Monday night, here's is how it shook out:

Marv's comes up short again (that is what she said, hehe!), Krunch prevails 94 vs. 91

Banana's Blows, and pulls down the Weekly Low Point at 65.  Schmen has taken the season series over Banana's. 

Woodies made a run at Hefe, but didn't catch him.  Woodies drops his FOURTH in a row, ouch, 92 to 98.

Bumblin' enjoyed his lead in this one for, oh, say, about 5 minutes into the game.  From there on, he just watched Manning beat the hell out of him...  Bumblin drops another, Shortline wins another, FINAL 89 to 77.

Lastly, has OneMan's magic run coming to an end?  It sure slowed this week as SQUIDS put a 35 point pasting on!  Squids wins his 3 high point in 9 weeks.  That's a damn good batting average!


So, In my best Jim Mora Senior voice "PLAYOFFS, Playoffs, who is talking PLAYOFFS".  Well, how do it look?

More later....    (my best impression of a teaser)

LAST WEEK to make a TRADE or get a FREE AGENT!!!

Meat market is open...


Must have been a good game last night... I've posted the results. Commentary later..


Well folks, I had a personal issue that kept me from the league through the weekend, so I apologize for the lack of posting / processing. Thanks to everyone for getting their lineups in - all except me, of course. Give me the "DOH" & the rollover lineup.

Lets see the scores & where we are in Week 9:

None. Seems everyone has a Colt or Viking on their roster...

Well, hmmm... let's see:
Krunch is done and up by 10 over Marv's, who has the MIN TE going tonight... Nope, too close to call

Schmen up by 32 over Bananas... surely this one "might as well be done"... Schmen has Onterrio Smith going to night, who will split time with Bennett, while Bananas is sporting WR's Burleson & Stokley... in tonight's matchup - this one is too close to put in this category. It "Needs Tonight to Know"

Hefe is done & up by 15 over the idle Driftwoodies: Nope, can't call this one done - Woodies still has WR Harrison going tonight.

Bumblin up by 24 over Shortline? No clear cut here either, as Shortline has Manning & WR Robinson going against Bumblin's Vanderjagt tonight.

Squids up by 21 over One Man & let's see who's playing tonight... Here we go! I think we can call this one: Squids has his 21 plus whatever Culpepper can put up against One Man's Edgerrin James.  Barring injury, I think we can notch One Man's first loss in 8 games...

See above.

There you have it folks. See you tomorrow!


Whoops! missed a trade - One Man went for a fresh WR. See the Transactions page for details.


Let's give it up for CaComm! Nice job running the league for the past two weeks. FlComm back in the house, and finally paying attention.

Trades are in and processed - Bumblin must have been paying attention to the comment CaComm made about his 4 must starts out of 5 games left as he put in for a TE. Unfortunately for him his first choice was Marv's TE. (Note to Bumblin: you can't do that w/out their permission) He got his second choice though and we're all set to see a slew of Bumblin TE starts for the final run. Short, Krunch, Woodies, Schmen, Bananas will reap the benefit.

Got the league fees from Schmen (my fault for the non-tally). Is it right that Hefe is still deadbeatin'?

Marque matchups this week:
Bananas v.s. Schmen - Schmen got the first win between these two in week 2 and Bananas needs this one to even up the 2nd tie break criteria - head to head record.

Squids vs. One Man.
Squids will take his bye riddled squad to try to stop the runaway freight train that is One Man right now. 

Hefe vs. Woodies
A hefe win combined with more total points will drop the once lofty Woodies to 3rd or 4th place in the Y'all. 

Looking for lineups!


Did anyone get a chance to watch the game last night?  Was it any good?

Sorry for the late post, but SBC is tweaking with my DSL again, and it is out at home!  Dil-rods!!!!

Well, the CALL 'EM DONE games, had no change.  Big surprise!!!

However, in the NEED TONIGHT TO KNOW games, lookie' what happened:

Woodies leading by 8 points, got 4 more, now leading by 12.  However OneMan is on a steam roll in the league, and pulled out 11 from Martian, and 13 from the freakin' kicker.  OneMan is mounting her own "Patriots" like winning streak at 7, and appears unstoppable.  She is quietly leading, by a good distance, in the power rankings too.  Kelly, the woe is me act is done, no one is falling for it  :)

In our other contest, Krunch needed a whopping 16 from a TE.  When does that ever happen?  I guess I should learn never to say never, as McMichael pull out 16 for his coach and got him a TIE!  No, not the kind you wear around your neck, and in Marv's case, not the kind you then tighten, R-E-A-L tight!

So, where does that put the league with 5 regular season games remaining:

  • Bumblin' needs 4 TE starts in 5 games.

  • Marv's needs 3 TE starts in 5 games.

  • Technically, no one is eliminated from the playoff race, but some teams need to get on a roll!

  • Reigning Champ Woodies is on a skid, loosing the last 3 games.

  • While Squiddley  is having one of his most competitive years, on a 5 game win streak (JR finally got that draft program working, hun!)

  • Krunch, yes Krunch is leading the league in scoring with 811 points.  Gang, that is over 100 ppg.

  • Shortline, again, has risen to the top of his division, coaching at 94% plus.  No other coach is above 90%

  • Schmen's daughter has the most porous defense in the league, having 800 points scored against, and yet she is 4-4 in sitting in the last playoff spot in the Dude.

Hoehum, another week...

CaComm out!  P.S. Welcome back to the mainland Woodies!


Email: The Commish's

This page last updated on January 15, 2005 04:28

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