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Nicole Quotes


 About Nicole

Nicole Hackett Shrine | A page about Aussie Triathlete Nicole Hackett


On this page you will find quotes that Nicole have said or that has been said about Nicole.


 "It's the best thing for developing into the sport and I know I wouldn't be where I am today without it,"  - Nicole Hackett on the Formula 1 (F1) series

"I am a little disappointed that I didn't win today and clean sweep the series but that is the way it goes. But I am excited at winning a third title and that is something to be very proud of" Nicole Hackett 2001 KIA F1 Champion.

 "I wanted to succeed after all the hard work I'd put in, but that's my result and I'm really happy with it." - Terrigal's own Nicole Hackett after the 2000 Olympic Triathlon.

"I have a strict eating regime on the day of the race,I always eat a banana sandwich before I compete. It's a ritual" - Nicole Hackett

"I got a dream start in the swim and it went brilliantly from there. I didn't have too much left at the end." - Nicole Hackett after her win in the 2000 World Championships in Perth

"We've got so many World Champions in Australia and to be one of them now is really exciting" - Nicole after Perth Worlds