Episode Guide

Season One


Liz Parker is shot when an argument between two customers goes wrong. Max Evans heals her and then reveals to her that he, his sister (Isabel Evans) and his best friend (Michael Guerin) are actually aliens. Liz stunned from his news and the fact that he had risked his life to save hers ends up telling her best friend (Maria DeLuca) about the alien trio. To the news Maria flips out and runs away screaming. After coming to her senses she helps as the decoy to plot against the Sheriff to get him off of Max's back.

The Mourning After

Maria is still trying to face the fact that Max, Michael and Isabel are aliens. She is freaked when Isabel begins to play with her car and scared beyond belief when Isabel enters her dream. After hitting the Sheriff's car Maria is faced with her fear and telling him the truth about the alien trio. In this episode during a conversation between Liz nad Maria the nick-name 'Czecholsovakian' is created.


Maria is still getting used to the fact that Max, Isabel and Michael are aliens. She is tested by Isabel and by Sheriff Valenti. Isabel decides to go dream hopping into Maria's dream and finds Michael in a tuxedo. Maria crashes into Valenti's car and has to meet him alone in his office. He asks her questions about Max and Isabel. He uses the common factor that neither have a father to get to her, but she doesn't give. In the end Maria turns out to be trustworthy and loyal. Alex on the other hand is being excluded from them and is beginning to feel neglected.

Leaving Normal

In this episode Liz's grandmother comes to visit her. While there she suffers from a heart attack. She runs to Max for comfort who has been beaten up by Liz's jealous boyfriend's (Kyle Valenti) friends. He tries to avoid her but fails miserably. Maria asks Isabel to help her out at the Crashdown and Max helps Liz say good-bye to her grandmother.


Liz's journal is missing and anybody could have taken it. Alex was very hurt when Maria accused him of taking it and Liz wonders if Kyle could have taken it. The guidence counsler (Mrs. Topolsky) learnsof the disappearence and becomes very interested. Michael who told Liz that losing her journal was not very smart reveals that he himself took it and just needed to know if he could trust her. He thanks her for giving him another reason to envy Max Evans.

285 South

Michael has a vision of a dome and finds out where it is. He needs to get there and Max and Isabel are telling him it's to dangerous and telling him that it would be safe if they thought about it some more. Michael deliberately hijacks Maria's car and her on a road trip to Atherton's Dome in Marathon, Texas. There they get stuck alone in some nookie hotel since Michael belw up Maria's car engine. They share a bonding moment then Max, Liz and Isabel find them in the hotel tailed by Kyle. Liz nad Maria demand to know the truth and they all go to the dome where someone else is following them.
To be continued...


After escaping the dome with some files and an amulet. The group trys to hide the fact that somethings up with Topolsky and the Sheriff. The files that Max had hidden in his room have been stolen and all that is left is the amulet that Isabel had around her neck. LIz convinces Max to let her go to the old Indian Reservation to ask if anybody knew the sign on the amulet. Michael, Maria and Isabel are used as decoys after Liz relayed the news about the old man wanting to see her. Max insists that he goes and the others stay and Michael isn't very pleased about the situation. While waiting at the Crashdown Isabel leaves, annoyed by Michael and Maria's bickering. Michael and Maria share their first kiss and Max and Liz learn about a man who used to live at the reservation, Nesedo.

Blood Brothers

Max and Liz are in a car accident and Max is knocked unconsious. Max has to be brought to a hospital and they need blood. Liz calls on Alex for help. He willingly gives them his blood, still not knowing the truth. It's akward between Michael and Maria. Topolsky reveals to Alex that she knows that it was his blood and he turns to Liz. Liz and him work up a plan and expose the truth about Topolsky. Alex demands the truth and Liz tells him she can't tell him and he says they no longer have a friendship.

Heat Wave

A freak heat wave in December let horomones run wild. Maria and Michael are all over each other in solitude, until Liz walks in on a make out session of theirs. After seeing Maria's hicky Liz gives her some cover up and tells her she knows. Maria's mother (Amy) and the Sheriff are gettig rather close. Isabel invades Alex's dreams only to discover she's already there. Max and Liz share their first kiss and Michael breaks whatever he had with Maria off. Liz and Alex are arrested and Liz is forced to tell Alex the truth.

The Balance

Max tells Michael of a ritual that can be performed by the indian's at the reservation, but says it's dangerous. Michael launched at the chance to discover the truth and ends up leaving right after it's performed. While at the UFO Center he spazes and his eyes start to turn white. Max rushes him to the Crashdown's backroom and Michael stays there until he wakes from his trance. Michael says he's fine until he goes into another spaz and doesn't come out. Everyone's worried about him and Liz and Max go to the reservation to ask Riverdog what is happening to Michael. He informs them that they need to get Michael to him now. They do so and they all have to perform a spiritual cleansing. Liz is forced out form her fear for Max but joins later. Michael regains his balance and is joined by his fellow friends. Max takes a step back from his and Liz's relationship.

Toy House

Max's mother (Diane) is involved in a kitchen fire and Max saves her from it using his powers. This alarms his mother and she begins to ask him questions. Isabel is upset about Max and Michael not wanting to tell her. Maria is going through a major attitude change, trying to get over Michael, who is being nice to her. Michael tries to help Maria with her woodshop project by using his powers and she doesn't like that. At the end he hand made her one and she kept it instead of turning in for a grade. Max and Isabel decide to not tell their mother.

Into the Woods

A sighting in the woods leads Isabel and Max to go on a father child camping trip. Liz's father begs her to go and Liz pays Maria to join them. Alex decides he wants to go too. Michael begins to think that Riverdog is the other alien and asks him when Riverdog came to get him to go to the woods. The sheriff is suspicious and follows them into the woods. Michael and Isabel and Max meet each other at the place where the sighting was. In the ground is a mark left by Nesedo and leads to more questions. They are able to hide it from the Sheriff. The Sheriff goes to visit his father in the old folks home and they share a moment.

The UFO Convention

It's a yearly event and Max is finding it harder and harder to stay away from Liz. Michael tells him to think about mud to get her out of his mind. Maria and her mother (Amy) are throwing a wrestling match 'Alien Smackdown'. Michael tells Maria that he doesn't appreciate the gemick and Amy tells Michael that's how they pay the bills. Michael over hears a conversation that Amy is having with one of the wrestlers who decided last minute he wasn't going to show. The two tourists from the pilot show up back in town trippin'. A man named Hubble is out to get Max believing he is Nesedo. Isabel tells Alex she needs space and that he's obsesive. Michael ends up saving the day for Maria and her mother. The Sheriff ends up killing Hubble and Max blows up on the Sheriff for chasing him instead of protecting him.

Blind Date

Maria entered Liz and herself in a radio contest and Liz wins the blind date. All in all Liz describes someone exactly like Max. Alex's band needs a new lead singer and Maria volunteers and takes over. Michael discovers how to get in contact with Nesedo and sets out to do it. Max and Kyle share a moment together, both getting drunk over Liz. Isabel decides to help Michael even with Max's disaproval. Max and Liz share a wonderful evening until Max kisses her passionatly and wakes from his druken trance not remembering anything he told Liz. Maria gives Alex back his band and she saves the day for the concert. Michael and Isabel are unsucessful, so they think, and share a brother-sister loving moment.

Independence Day

Michael comes to school with a black eye and Max wants to know how he got it. Michael tells Max that it was Hank and that he can't tell anyone. Max reluctantly ended up telling Isabel and upset Michael even more. Maria and Liz walk in on Maria's mom and the Sheriff making out. Michael is forced to use his powers against Hank to help Max and Isabel who were being nosey. Michael having nowhere to go ran to Maria. Showing up outside her window in tears. Maria comforted him. Maria's mother waling in on them asleep in her bed kicks Michael out. Michael is taken into custody because Hank disappeared. Maria talks her mom into bailing him out. Michael decides to leave Roswell and everyone. Coming back and asking Max and Isabel's father for help of getting custody of himself. He's granted the emancipation. And we discover that Hank was murdered by Nesedo.

Sexual Healing

Max and Liz cannot keep off of each other leading to visions of Max's past. Michael and Maria decide to do their own experiments resulting in Maria lying and then telling him the truth. Max and Liz are together every minute, aminly making out. Leading to a glowing hickey which gives them botha vision. Liz and Max were alone in Michael's apartment when accidentally Maria walked in on them. Maria tells Michael and he doesn't even flinch. Max and Liz disappear into the desert and discover a glowing orb. Maria comes to Michael's apartment to try and explain her actions. They share a loving moment. Isabel goes to Alex for a vision of her own and Nesedo appears in the episode.


Topolsky returns and tries to convince the Roswell gang they are in trouble. Sheriff Valenti is also told that his name is on the samae lis that the Roswell's gang's name is on, but he thinks she's gone over the deep end. Maria and Michael + Max and Liz are getting closer. There are a couple cute sceens with Maria and Michael. And a couple make out seens with both couples. Ale tries to get closer to Isabel but the new girl Tess seems to be getting into his way more and more. We learn about Peirce and the truth to his mission. His name tag: Alien Hunter. Nesedo, or who we think is Nesedo, shape-shifts into a phychologist and him and the Sheriff tell the Roswell gang that Topolsky is Parinoid Delusional. Michael and the others lose the orb to Valenti and Topolsky is carried away by Pierce.

Tess, Lies and Video Tapes

Max is drwn towards Tess over and over. Picturing himself kissing Tess while he's kissing Liz. Valenti finds out that someone killed Topolsky in the mental institution in a fire. He goes to Max feeling distraught and tells him about Topolsky. Max is caught kissing Tess while Liz is watching from across the street. When Max goes to Michael for guidence they get into a fight and find a hidden camera in his apartment. Valenti gives Max back the orb and surprises the alien trio by his action. Liz goes into Tess's house to find out what the box of pictures holds inside and discovers pictures of Max. When back to safety and Michael's house the gang watches Tess's house with the same camera placed there. They all watch Tess fix the figure that Liz broke; with powers.

Four Square

Michael and Isabel begin to have vivid dreams of one another together. They invision themselves as a couple. And later as parents. As a consequence, Isabel tells Alex she wants more and Michael asked Maria to go steady. Max and Liz are trying to act as if nothing has happened. But Max is still being drawn to Tess. Max goes to tell Nasedo that they've uncovered his secret and they know who he is, thinking all the time Tess is Nasedo. He battles her to the ground until he's hit with the realization that Tess is "one of them". He see's the beginning, when they first imerged from their pods, he sees Tess in one of them. The episode ends with them stand in the shape of a four square, the same symbol that was shown repeatidly throughout the show.

Max to the Max

Nesedo impersinates Max to lead Pierce to him. While in the process Nesedo-Max takes Liz with him for a 'hostage'. Isabel discovers that she's not pregnant with Michael's baby and is relieved. Michael and Maria's relationship begins to take a trip downward. Caused by the whole pregnancy thing. Max chases after Liz with Michael, Isabel and Tess with him. Maria and Alex go to the Sheriff and tell him that Max kidnapped Liz and their scared. The Sheriff sees while in a mirror house that their are two Max's and FBI agents to capture the Max's. In the end the real Max is captured and taken to a FBI hiding facility.
To be continued...

The White Room

Max is locked in a white room and fears for his friends lifes as well as his own. Pierce tries to get Max to tell him about his planet and why they are there. But Max cannot answer the questions, for they are his own. Tess, Isabel, Michael and Nesedo break into the facility to rescue Max. Michael and Nesedo disquise themselves as FBI agents. Michael changing his fingerprints. Isabel and Tess go underground and Tess invades Pierces head and makes him believe he sees the orb glowing. While there LIz goes to Valenti for help. Michael and Max make their get-away with the help of Sheriff Valenti. Nesedo not making it out.
To be continued...


After escaping they all split up. Max & Liz; Isabel, Alex, Tess, Michael & Maria; and Sheriff Valenti leading the way. Max and Liz are forced to escape again with the help of Michael and Valenti, forcing Michael to use his powers in front of Valenti. Tess worries for Nesedo. Pierce makes his men go and 'protect' Kyle. Tess plays mind games, Max locks FBI agent in closet, Kyle escapes with his father's gun. While Pierce is under interogation, thanks to Valenti, Kyle sneaks in and lets him go. Pierce shoots at Valenti and Valenti shoots at Pierce. When Pierce comes at Valenti with the gun, Michael uses his powers on him and kills him. Valenti notices that Pierce had his gun and finds Kyle shot in the back under a platic alien doll. Max heals Kyle saving his life and Valenti swears his loyalty. Michael leaves Maria, scared of what he might do with his powers. Alex lets Isabel leave. Max, Liz, Tess, Isabel and Michael go to the cave and save Nesedo. Nesedo goes and takes Pierce's place. Max discovers he's the leader, bethrothed to Tess, Michael second in command bethorthed to Isabel. Liz walked away from Max leaving them all to their destiny. In the end it features "Howie" from the backstreet boys as an evil alien.

Season 2 Epsiode Guide


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