The Real Story

The story begins like no other. A regular day in a alien tourist resturant. When an agrument is arroused and a gun is fired. Liz Parker (Shiri Appleby) is shot. The bullet wound is just above her stomach. She's dying and she probably wouldn't have had a chance, if it wasn't for Max Evans (Jason Behr) however. Max is in the resturant and was up on action to save Liz immediately. See, Max Evans has the ability to heal. He does so, healing Liz's bullet wound and seeing into her past. Max runs away from the site, he had whispered for Liz to say she fell on ketchup. Liz goes with that, she fell on a ketchup bottle because she was frightened by the noise.

Liz may have said that to the police and her friends, but that's not enough for her. She goes to Max. Max is reluctant, but reveals his deep hidden secret to her. Max Evans is an alien from the crash of 1947. Him, his sister Isabel (Katherine Heigl) and their best friend Michael Guerin (Brendan Fehr) are all aliens. They exsisted in incubation pods til 1989 when they emerged as 6 years olds.

Liz doesn't so much as freak, but now Max, Isabel, and Michael's lives rest in her hands. She was told not to tell a soul, but Liz did not with stand her promise. She revealed the truth to her bouncy best friend Maria DeLuca (Majandra Delfino). Maria however didn't take it like Liz, she ran down the street in a wild panic. She calmed down a bit and helped Liz, Max, Isabel, and Michael decieve the nosey Sheriff (William Sadler). Now everything was different.

Max and Liz are awstruck on each other but cannot be together. Max is overly cautious about Liz and Liz is reluctant to listen to him. Everything after that seems to be going okay til one of Maria's conspiracy theories comes to life and their school counsler is after the truth also. This invovles getting the help of Liz and Maria's friend, Alex Whitman (Colin Hanks), who is still in the dark about the whole incedent. He helps, but Liz refuses to tell him the truth after all he has done and he walks away.

Everything seems so topsy turny with Alex and not to mention Kyle Valenti (Nick Weschler) who is Liz's jealous ex-boyfriend and not to mention the nosey Sheriff's son. What are they to do? Alex is soon let in on the secret and they all are left to fight whatever may come their way. Including keeping Kyle and his father, the FBI and anybody else who is close to finding out the truth to do anything but that. What'll happen? Will they survive? Only one way to find out, watch and see.

The Story
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