Jason Behr / Max Evans

Jason Behr

Birthdate:December 30, 1973
Sign: Capricorn
Home Town: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Favorite Sports: Basketball and his newest challenge golf
Pets: A brown-spotted dalmation named Joplin
Hidden Talents: “I’m an aspiring Picasso.”

27 year old Jason Behr was born and raised in Minnesota. He began his acting career at age 5. After he graduated from High School he moved to LA to persue his acting career seriously.


"Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
"Dawson's Creek"


"Rite of Passage" I.F.

Write to Jason at:
Jason Behr
c/o Roswell
Warner Bros.
400 Warner Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91522

Max Evans

Max Evans is the leader of the alien trio. He is the serious one out of the bunch and is the one who exposed them to Liz. His long lasting love for her grew to it's limit the day that Liz was shot. He healed her and then revealed the truth to her. He is the one who least regrets it. His best friend (Michael) and his sister (Isabel) hounded him for his stupid reaction but went along with it. Now Max leads the group to the truth and as far away from danger as he possibly can.


The Show