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Year 2000 ( In chronological order )

9th October - Jerry will be going China to film
"Lu Xiao Feng 2" on the 25/10/2000.(Flight
number will be updated in a later date, if I
manage to get hold of it)

8th October - Jerry take part in a Basketball
friendly match at Aljunied Community Centre. He
played againest a team Batu Pahat and the final
score is 81/81 .

7th October -
1)Heard from a MediaCorp insider that Jerry is
being wooed to stay and he might consider
?!?!?!?(Well, what can I say?That's his decision.)
2)Taken From Eastciti -

Ping Hui
:Then who do you think is the most sexy
male artistes in MediaCorp?
Cynthia: Definitely NOT Tay Ping Hui…
Ping Hui: Then who do you think it should be?
Jerry Chang
Cynthia: That depends on whether he (Jerry) will
be signing on…if he is, he will be the sexiest
star in MediaCorp. If not, then he can only
content himself with being sexiest within Taiwan.

19th September - Jerry will be appearing in
"Don't Worry Be Happy V" soon!

18th September - Jerry will be involve in the 2nd
part of "Lu Xiao Feng". He will not be acting as
the lead role(Lu XiaoFeng) of the serial but as
one of the lead in the story "Mo Gui Jian
Ke" which takes up 5 out of 20 episode of the
whole serial. Filming will take place in China
and expected to start in end of October.

15th September - In today's wanbao, they predict
Jerry, Ix Shen, Vincent Ng and Christopher to
fill in the 4 empty space in the top10 most
popular actors in Star Awards which will be held
on 26/11/2000.

12th September -Taken From Eastciti
If you(Jerry)were chosen to represent Singapore
in the Sydney 2000 Olympics, what sport would |
that be and why?
"Basketball and I will play the defender's position. I choose
basketball because it is a team sport. I enjoy the glorious
moment of triumphant with the players. Of course, if we
lose, the embarrassment can be shared among us too." He
wants Christopher Lee, Tay Pinghui, Yao Wenlong and
Huang Jiuyao as his fellow dream team members.
What Olympic sport do you most look forward to
watch on Sportscity?
"Basketball (see above), Track and Field (tremendously
exciting) and synchronised swimming (pretty and elegant)."
We're not too sure if Jerry's referring to the art of
synchronised swimming or the swimmers when he says
"pretty and elegant".

10th September - According to "Shinmin Daily",
is listed as one of TCS8 artiste who might
be considered to be promoted as TV host.

9th September - Jerry mention during "Celebrities
Telematch" that he will be going Taiwan to film a
Taiwan-Singapore joint production.

8th September - The problematic Master Swordsman
Lu Xiaofeng will be filming its part 2, Feng Wu
Jiu Tian in China soon. However, Jimmy Lin's fans
will be disappointed to hear that the role of Lu
Xiaofeng will be changed. The partners in China
and Taiwan wanted Eric Sun to play the role while
MediaCorp wanted our local hearthrob Jerry Chang
to take it.The management is still in negotiation
about the status,Jerry's fans, cross your fingers.
Also, as Thomas Ong had left MediaCorp, his role,
Hua Man Tou may be replaced by Rayson Tan. But
thankfully, Christopher Lee and will remain in
his role of Ximan Chuixue. - Taken from Eastciti

7th September - Jerry might replace Jimmy Lin as
Lu Xiao Feng in the 2nd parter.

6th September - Jerry was at TCS for "Celebrities
Telematch" as one of the guest
.(Will be aired on
9/9/2000, 8pm)

5th September - "Jerry Chang, it seems, likes to
ask lots of questions. Well known for being
talkative, the MediaCorp hearthrob was all nerves
while on his way to perform at an promotional
event at Orchard Cineleisure. "Did you do enough
publicity for this event? Would there be alot of
people? What if very few people turned up?" asked
non-stop on his way there. Relax Jerry, you
should have more faith in your star power. After
all,you do have a very loyal group of supportive
fans. " - Taken from Eastciti

2nd September - Jerry (together with Evelyn Tan,
Phyllis Quek,Tay Ping Hui and Cynthia Koh) appear
at Cineleisure Orchard for the promotion of a
complilation CD "Yang Guang Xi Lie"

10th August - Jerry (together with Priscelia
Chan) appear in Carnival @ Bay, Marina South
from 4 pm - 5 pm .

5th August - Jerry (together with Tay Ping Hui,
Chris Lee, Wee Kim Chye, etc) went to Batu Pahat
in Malaysia for a basketball match, they lost by
3 points.

30th July - Jerry had a gathering with his fans at "Lips Cafe", Cineleisure. Around 40 over fans were present to have an early celebration for his birthday which falls on 3rd August. After
the gathering, he went over to Ngee Ann City for a
Street Basketball Match. He was the captain on that day and
they won!

2nd July - Jerry was involved in "NKF show 2000".He performed "Rope Skipping" together with Chen Tian Wen,Pei Xiao ling and Evelyn Tan.

25th June - Jerry took part in a Basketball friendly match at Tampines St 21.He had played very well and if I'm not wrong,he's the top scorer!Even though they lost,but Jerry had a very good sportsmanship!

24th June - Jerry was involved in a volleyball match at Sentosa which was meant for the promotion of "Four walls and a ceiling".

16th June - Jerry attended a fan gathering organised by "Shin Min Daily" at Mandarin Hotel together with Phyllis Quek, Florence Tan and Priscillia Chan.

26th May - Jerry attended the premiere of Mission:Impossible
2 at GV Grand.

9th May - Jerry went Australia for the filming of "In Style"!

7th May - Jerry performed some basketball stunts in the "Road Safety Charity Night"together with Qi yu wu,Wee Kim Chye,Priscillia Chan and Joey Swee.

23rd April - Jerry attended the gathering organise by his Fan club "Jerry's Connection" at "The Ark Lounge".

18th April - Jerry had just obtain his Singapore Permanent Resident.

31st March - Jerry performed at Star Cruise "Virgo" for 1 night(together
with TCS actress May Phua).

30th January - This is an important and unforgetable day for Jerry.He held his first mini-concert at Singapore News Centre!Around 800 people attended and Jerry woos everyone with his great singing talents!

29th January - Jerry held his Third and also last autograph session for his debut album at Sun Plaza.Around 2000 people attended this session!

8th January -

i) Held his Second Autograph Session at Lot1 Shopping Centre.
ii)Special Guest at TCS8 Variety Show.(hosted by Byran Wong and Wang DeYuan)

2nd January -

i) Jerry held his very first Autograph session at Bukit Panjang Plaza.
ii)Invited as one of the Special Guest(Together with Taiwanese Singer,Jolin Tsai)at 93.3fm 10th anniversary Party.