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My Trip to Washington D.C.



Dear Chelsey Cogil,

Your leadership in Washington, D.C. during Eating Disorders Awareness Week helped
make this year’s events the most successful event in our history.

You and other representatives of the Eating Disorders Coalition met with 41 members of Congress. The meetings with members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate resulted in a heightened awareness on Capitol Hill of the dangers of anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and binge eating.

As you know, eating disorders are misunderstood by most Americans. Every year, this lack of knowledge leads to serious mental and physical health problems and death for thousands of women, men, and children who struggle with eating disorders. Your eagerness to join us in Washington is making a difference.

I enjoyed getting to know you and hearing about the results of your meetings with Rep. Jim McDermott, Rep. Brian Cantwell, and Sen. Maria Cantwell. Thank you, also, for sending pictures of your day in Congress.

Again, thank you for coming to Washington, D.C. You joined us in spite of the heightened code orange alert and the snowstorm that blanketed our nation’s capital as our events were taking place. Your perseverance in raising awareness for eating disorders was inspiring.

Marc Lerro
Executive Director

Eating Disorders Coalition for Research, Policy & Action
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, #423 SE
Washington, DC 20003
Voicemail: (202) 543-9570

Our Mission: To advance the federal recognition of Eating Disorders as a public
health priority.
