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  • Jedi (Web) Master: Create the web site. Only I get this job. Pay:$500 per week

  • Staff member: Help create my web site. I decide if you can get this job. Pay:$250 per week

  • Jedi teacher: Teach others how to do stuff on my web site. Pay:$100 per week

  • Adventurer: The easyest jod so it gets the least pay. Adventure around the universe and write whatever you want to. Pay:$50 per story

  • Planet protector: Protect the planet of your choice. Tell me what planet and i will give it to you unless it has already been taken. Pay:$200 per story

    Planets taken: None

  • Chaos raiser: Cause chaos all over the gallixy. Steal, kill, do what ever you want as long as it is evil. Pay:$150 per story

  • Bounter Hunter: Each week write stories about the bounty i write down like ill have a bounty section to tell u who the bounties are. Pay: Dependes on who u write about and how tuff the person is.

    Starwars Episode 7 Pictures
    How To