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  • Lightsaber: The jedi weapon that can cut through any thing. It raises your Jedi Power level by two. There are many colors that the lightsaber has. For siths it is the color red. For padawans (the first rank of a jedi) it is the color blue. For Knights it is the color purple. For the jedi masters it is the color green. Costs $3,000.

  • Double lightsaber:A double bladed light saber. Costs $3,500.

  • Two lightsabers: When a person has two light sabers. Costs $4,000

    Other Weapons

  • Blaster: The weapons that you start out with. These pistols are the weakest weapons. Costs $25.

  • Turret cannon: A medium size gun that you can set up on a tristand so that you dont have to holde it. Cost:$50

  • Wookiee Bowcaster:With their imposing size and enormous strength, Wookiees are intimidating enough when unarmed. But when they need to hit targets well beyond their great reach, their preferred weapon is their native laser crossbow. A melding of varied technologies, the crossbow weapon fires energy blasts with explosive force. These Wookiee weapons are often hand-crafted, and vary in size and deadliness. The Wookiee warriors charged with protecting Kashyyyk from the invading forces of the Separatists during the Clone Wars carried large laser crossbows in addition to their rifles and pistols. Later, during the Galactic Civil War, Chewbacca was known to carry a smaller, more machined version of the weapon. Cost:$200

  • Vibro-Ax: A staff with an ax like figure at the end. Jabba's fearsome skiff guards employed a powered polearm to force Luke Skywalker off the plank into the Great Pit of Carkoon. Little did the dimwitted enforcers realize it was they who were doomed. Cost:$100

  • Thermal Detonator: A thermal detonator is a compact yet powerful explosive device contained is a small, silvery sphere. Once activated, an internal fusion reaction starts within the sphere which eventually grows into a deadly explosion. Princess Leia Organa, disguised as the bounty hunter Boushh, used a thermal detonator while negotiating a steep sum for the capture of Chewbacca the Wookiee. For the fearless use of such a deadly weapon, Boushh earned the hulking crime lord's respect and a sizable bounty as well. Cost:$50 per detonator

  • Portable Missle Launcher: Armed with a portable missile launcher, a single infantryman can transform into a piece of mobile artillery, capable of taking out enemy armored vehicles and fortifications while still only presenting a small and agile target for return fire. Merr-Sonn Munitions supplied the standard portable missile tube for both the clone troopers of the Clone Wars, and the Imperial troops of the Galactic Civil War. Cost:$5000

  • Minimag PTL missle launcher: The Galactic Empire inherited the technological achievements of both warring factions of the Clone Wars. Much of the older weaponry was adapted and improved for use in the Imperial army, but some were simply redistributed with only the serial numbers scored and reprinted to conform to the new bureaucracy. The MiniMag PTL missile launcher was largely unchanged from its day serving the Grand Army of the Republic. Cruder than the Plex portable missile launcher, the MiniMag is nonetheless a potent piece of portable artillery. Its firing chamber is specifically designed for proton torpedoes (the source of the PTL acronym), but it can easily accept different types of ordnance with a field-kit of adaptors. Unlike the Plex, the MiniMag does not come equipped with multiple-firing settings and can only fire line-of-sight "dumb rocket" attacks. Cost:$6000

  • Jawa Blaster: The Jawas of Tatooine are a scavenger species that scours the deserts in hopes of finding machinery to salvage. As such, they carry weapons specially designed to incapacitate droids. The small rifle that connects to a belt-worn powerpack emits a smoky blast of energy that envelops a droid in an electric blue haze. By the time the discharge has worked its way through a droid's body, the automaton is rendered inactive, and the greedy scrap-dealers move in to lift it away. Cost:$50

  • HH-15 Jrojectile Launcher: Though modern shielding technology has marginalized the use of projectile weapons in space combat, missile weaponry continues to flourish in ground and atmospheric campaigns. Large field emplacements have been miniaturized to the point where a single trooper can become a mobile missile platform, transforming into an agile, stealthy threat to lumbering armored units on the battlefield. Cost:$5000

  • Heavy Repeating Blaster:This field-assembled example of Imperial firepower is a rapid-fire laser cannon mounted on a shock-absorbing tripod. The Imperial snowtroopers that invaded the Rebel Echo Base on Hoth attempted to ready such a weapon for use against the Millennium Falcon, but suppressing fire from the freighter's surprise underbelly cannon thwarted the Imperials. Cost:$1000

  • Gungan energy cataput: Contributing to age-old tensions between the land-dwelling Naboo and the Gungans is the martial nature of the amphibious species. Although the Naboo do maintain a security force made up of loyal volunteers, they do not have a standing military force the size of the Gungan Grand Army. When the Naboo and the Gungans joined forces to repel the Trade Federation invaders off their planet, the Grand Army employed their unique alien arsenal in the battle. Cost:$3000

  • Geonosian sonic blaster: Contributing to age-old tensions between the land-dwelling Naboo and the Gungans is the martial nature of the amphibious species. Although the Naboo do maintain a security force made up of loyal volunteers, they do not have a standing military force the size of the Gungan Grand Army. When the Naboo and the Gungans joined forces to repel the Trade Federation invaders off their planet, the Grand Army employed their unique alien arsenal in the battle. Cost:$2000

  • Gaderffii(Gaffi stick): The traditional weapon of Tatooine's Sand People is the double-edge gaderffii, known colloquially as a gaffi stick. This deadly, axe-like weapon is typically fashioned from scavenged metal. As such, there is much weapon variation among the scattered tribes of Tusken Raiders found throughout Tatooine. Cost:$50

  • E-60R missle launcher: The effectiveness of the clone forces' armored vehicles at the Battle of Geonosis was enough to give the strategists of the Confederacy pause. Their larger tanksmashing vehicles became targets for Republic gunships, and many of their hailfire droids were destroyed before they could even sight the approaching walkers. The interim answer was to equip the harder-to-hit infantry with armor-piercing weaponry. Cost:$5000

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