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Jedi & Sith
  • Mind read: You are able to read minds. This will raise you jedi powers to level 2.

  • Bomerang: You are able to throw your lightsaber at your enemy and it will come right back to you and the saber part will never hit you so that you can't kill your self.

  • Jedi mind control: You are able to make people do what you want but only if there mind power is lower then yours.

  • Force Jump: Allows Jedi to jump huge vertical leaps.

  • Force Speed: Jedi speeds up and the world slows around him.

  • Force Push: Pushes objects away

  • Force Pull: Pulls objects towards Jedi.

  • Mind Trick:Unlike the mind control, the mind trick confuses or misdirects attention from the person.

  • Lightsaber Defense: Block gun fire away or back to preson and blocks damage>

  • Force Heal: Heal your self after hurt. The more damage you have, the longer it takes to heal.

  • Wall run: Use your mind powers to run on walls for a short time that is less then ten seconds.

  • Force lightning: For sith only. You can shoot lightning out of your hands.


  • Eye sight: Creatures are able to see in the dark.

  • Big Jump: Creatures are able to jump high enough to reach the top of a tree.

  • Fly: Creatures with wings are able to fly. If they have wings but they don't have this techneque then they can't fly. If a creature doesn't have wings but has this techneque, then they make wings.


  • Nice shot: Men are able to shot with perfict aim.

  • Good Jump: You can jump no more then four feet.

  • Mid-Air Jump/Grab: If your person has this techneque and they fall off a platform they can do a mid-air jump and then grab on to the platform they fell off of.

  • Flip: Can do flips over a person and/or other things.

  • Wall Flip: You can run up a wall and do a flip over a person if they are running behind you.

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