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History It was in 1969 that God filled His faithful few with the Holy Spirit and moved them with a strong desire to start a regular Baptist Church in this great City of Hyderabad. God answered their prayers... With the honest efforts and holy zeal of the members of the Committee, the Constitution was framed and registered under the Public Societies Act with Registration No.69/69 in April 1969.


  Miracle of God


God answered the prayers of the faithful and the devout in the form of the appointment of a regular first full-time Pastor in the person of Rev.G.Samuel on 22nd June 1970 and the new premises was dedicated on 1st November 1974.  The rapid increase in the strength of the members has prompted the construction of a New Sanctuary and the building was completed and was dedicated on July 16th 1978. It is a miracle of our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST that the . New Sanctuary. dedicated in 1978 was soon to become the old sanctuary requiring the Church building to be extended in order to accommodate the ever growing congregation. It is a miracle of our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST that the  New Sanctuary dedicated in 1978 was soon to become the old sanctuary requiring the Church building to be extended in order to accommodate the ever growing congregation. The New Extended Sanctuary was constructed and was dedicated on 7th November 1993 for the glory of the almighty.

Church in the begining.....
Church Before Extension.....
Church now...
Church has now grown into a mega Church with a membership of 14000 as on date and worshipping in four different languages, Telugu, Banjara, Hindi and English. As on date the Church has 105 branch Churches, 525 preaching points and a staff of 150 full-time Pastors, Church- planters, Hospital-Chaplains, Evangelists and Office staff and workers (23 in the main Church, 100 in the Outreach, 23 in HBT and 4 in Baptist Centre-India). 9769 persons have been baptized since 1969
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