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Meet  our Pastors
  Rev.Dr.G.Samuel, Pastor, Born on 5th January 1945 to Late. Gollapalle Simon and Saramma. * Theological Education in RBTS Ramapatnam and ATCollege 1962-66. * Married to Eva Samuel on 27th June 1966 and blessed with four children Sarah, Mary, David and Solomon. *  First Pastor Baptist Church Hyderabad from 22nd June 1970.* Recipient of Oswald J.Smith. s Best Pastor Award in 1992. * Conferred Doctor of Divinity on 13th August 1998 by Baptist College, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. * Conference and Revival Speaker of the Gospel in Interdenominational Conventions and Conferences both in India and abroad. *Man of God with Vision and Mission having Top Priority in outreach and Church planting ministry.


Rev.B.Karunakar Thyagaraj , Associate Pastor. * Born on 9thNovember 1942 to Late Rev.Bontha Samuel and Devakamma. * Married to Evangeline Rani Pracharini and blessed with two children Joel Prem Kumar and Samuel Thyagaraj. *Academic, M.A. * Theological Studies B.D. * Served as Evangelist 1968, Missionary in Bhilai 1969. * Pastor, Telugu Baptist Church Warangal 1972-1983. * Missionary to Banjaras 1983-1988. * Associate Pastor Baptist Church Hyderabad since 1988. * Foreign Visits USA, Korea.
Rev.Vemavaram Asher, Junior Church Pastor. * Born on 4th July 1939 to Solomon and Grace. * Married to Jeshosheba on 21st May 1969 and blessed with one son Calvin. * Academic Intermediate. * Theological Studies Bachelor of Theology. * Ordained in the Ministry in 1987. * Served as Pastor of Gospel Centres of Baptist Church Hyderabad. * Joined Baptist Church Hyderabad in March 1984 .
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