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Click to see the large version: Here he is, bright and breezy and dying to get out there and face the world! Our first breakfast, in Cancun! It's ALWAYS time for a Sol! I don't like the look of yours... It's time for another Sol! This time let's dress up like a woman! - and an ugly one at that.
next photos...
Some pictures from Day 4:
(We in Cancun!)


Well, what can I say? - the beer had a profound effect on me!
It turned me into a young, beautiful woman (not to mention habitual liar)

I wonder why I did this...
It was the waiter's fault. He tied his tablecloth around my head like this. I didn't see myself, until I downloaded this picture!

This was the reason why my parents never had a third child.
(couldn't risk having a daughter, if this was anything to go by)