Page Setup
Under Construction!
Import Cars
Car Tech ->(Tools, How to, Trends)
Car Gallery -> (Backgrounds, Civics & Integras, Silvias, Super Cars, Shows/Events)
Shops- shops I trust
Personal Page
My World: information and a few pics
Me & my GsR: pics of me
Journal 2002, Journal 2001 Applekat My Acura Integra GsR: pics/specs of my teg-> (Timeslips: driving conditions/launch patterns, Ninja Driving: focus your ninja skill, The Bad: bad stuff happens to my poor lil teg) My Friends Cars Other Car: eek an 11 second beast!
Journal 2002, Journal 2001
Applekat My Acura Integra GsR: pics/specs of my teg-> (Timeslips: driving conditions/launch patterns, Ninja Driving: focus your ninja skill, The Bad: bad stuff happens to my poor lil teg)
My Friends Cars
Other Car: eek an 11 second beast!
Anime- under construction
Cute Animals- Some of my ultra-cute animals
Pretty Things: a few nice things.. sunsets, sparklies, buildings & other misc..
Computer Help-> (Web Help: make a website & get those pics online, Picture Alterations: a photochop special event.)