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    from The Composers' Workshop at The Canford Summer School of Music  








Course Director: Malcolm Singer

2003 Theme: Night Music

photo sequence / concert / piano recital

Another superb week of music making; composing and playing night music inspired by Henri Dutieux. The group was a mixed bunch who all got on very well. Many thanks to Malcolm for managing to keep the 16 of us in order and on schedule, despite the extra session we sprung on him! Thanks to Jo Treasure for getting this piano recital together and keeping it a surprise. She'd been organising the event since the beginning of the year - a piano recital with pieces written especially for Malcolm's 50th birthday (earlier in the year) by many participants, past and present.


The hottest week at Canford ever!?
The week will be remembered for being a scorcher. We all found the heat difficult to deal with at times, apart from the Spanish contingent who loved it! The outdoor swimming pool at Canford School helped to cool some of us down, and keep our brains active.

There were 2 birthday cakes this year. The one for Malcolm, and one for Piers from his parents. Piers was 18 on the day of the concert. The concert began with "Meanwhile I Play" by Malcolm in memory of Jane Longhurst who tragically died earlier this year.

    Concert Programme 2003      
    "A Little Night Music in the Afternoon"
meanwhile I play Malcolm Singer
While Others are Sleeping Richard Green
Night Moth Gary Tucker
Ensalada Oscar Colomina
Nightmare Beltane Ruiz
Memories of the Life of a Celestial Body Zachary Gvirtzman
Gwenn Ha Du Bonnie Ralph
Moonlit Apples Joe St. Johanser
Le Prendeur de L'âme Bret Kean
Dancing to the Night Bells David Dreebin
Under the Stars Pamela Milner
The end is nigh: the end is night Robert Patten
Argument Piers Tattersall
Dark before Dawn Joanna Treasure
The Sacred Three Jane Upcott
Inverted Night Patrick Miles
It is the True Star Donald Lane
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    Piano Recital Programme      
    "Don't Tell Malcolm"
Composer Title Performer
Andrew Melvin Triple Haiku (Caged) Andrew Melvin
Richard Green Middle C Robert Patten
Pamela Milner ACgE in F Andrew Melvin
Mercedes Zavala Haiku Andrew Melvin
Donald Lane Manuscript for Malcolm Singer Donald Lane
Ken Moore Prelude David Dreebin
Patrick Miles Adagio tranquillo Andrew Melvin
Joe St. Johanser Malcolm Singer's Theme - Variation JStJ Robert Patten
Andrew McBirnie Variation for Malcolm Robert Patten
Jo Treasure Dissent, Relecting on Accord Patrick Miles
John Alexander Mazing (variations on A, C, B, G, E) Donald Lane
Rosemary Thorpe Variation on ACGE for mAlColm sinGEr's birthday Patrick Miles
Bonnie Ralph 4 & 6 Extracts from Jacob: IV Spotty Sheep, VI Egypt Robert Patten
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Web Developer (and composer): Pamela A. Milner

Tel: 01974 272342 or EMAIL Pam

Talwrn, Llanrhystyd, Ceredigion, Wales, U.K., SY23 5EL.